Jan 31, 2013

My Happiness Manifesto

I was inspired to make one of these from this blog I like a lot.

I will, for now, put it on my computer screen. 
Then print it out and place it where I will see it often.
Like the potty room or the kitchen.

 I made my own 21 keep joy and happiness inducers.
To use not all at once, but as needed... 
For when the 'D' words start to take over, like:
Doubt, discouragement, discord, downhearted, discontent, disillusioned, 
distrust, disgusted, depressed...

These are tried, lived and tested. They usually work for me.
They bring me joy and happiness.
(These are in no particular order.)

1. Rejoice and Live in the Now
Because that is all we have. The Now. Life is lived one moment at a time. Enjoy.
"Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering" 
Fanny Crosby

2. I can do hard things
With Christ all things are possible.
Hard things increase growth, faith, strength & stretches our soul.

3. Create Beauty
Make your environment beautiful.
Creativity enlarges the soul and mind. Make Beauty all around you!

4. Delight and feast upon the word
Seek, dig, ponder upon the words of Christ. They lighten up the soul. Give direction. Comfort.
Give Peace and Understanding.

5. Exercise the heart 
For longevity and well being. Find what you love. And do it. Move & stretch that body!
We only have one to carry us through our life journey.

6. Peace and harmony in the heart
Keep anger out of your life. When It comes, do not let it fester and linger. Forgive.
"For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of  happiness"
Ralf Aldo Emerson

7. Keep the Vision, This too shall pass.
Our life is but a moment. A Passing.
Everything will eventually pass, and change, and get better in the end.
'If it's not okay, it's not the end'

8. Look Up
Every day, look up towards heaven. Look at the clouds, the stars, the vast expanse...
How small am I? Insignificant. Yet, I am noticed and loved beyond measure. 
Feel the love of God!

9. Serve Someone
Nothing is quite like making someone smile, lifting an other's heart, giving a helping hand.
One cannot serve & love without feeling joy and increase happiness.
Find one in need every day. No matter how small or big the act of love is.

10. Rest
Rest your heart in the stillness of God
"Our hearts are restless until they rest in You."
A well rested body, makes for a clearer thinking head. 
Less grumpiness and impatience with those we love the most.
Sleep. Relax.

11. I am in charge of how I feel. Today I choose Happiness.
I have the power to choose how I feel. Things don't go my way? 
Rain. Clouds. Evil hearts. Wars. Unrest. Disasters.
Others may taunt, tease, disappoint, hurt, ignore...
I control my feelings! They do not control me. 

12. Count Gifts. Notice Tender Mercies
In All things give Thanks.
Gratitude turns everything we have into enough.

13. Listen. Smell. See. The World.
I believe there is beauty in Mother Nature everywhere. Look for it with all senses. Everyday.
A bird's song. A lady bug. Warm rain drops. Spring scents. Taste of a fruit.
It's all a gift to make our life more beautiful and enjoyable.

14. Clean space = Clear mind
De clutter, it invites sanity & clarity of the mind. Think better.
When we clean out things that don't matter, we make room for what does.
"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" ~William Morris

15. Read
A good book. To expand the mind.

16. Stop and Kneel
When I forgot my morning prayer and it's 3pm.
When challenges arise and I need help from above.
When gifts & joys are noticed.
When prayers are answered.
Thank and Praise.

17. Keep a tender Heart
Soft. Loving. Forgiving. Full of the love of God.
Do not chase the spirit away...

18. Plan my work. Work my plan.
Monday Downton Abbey day. Wed Laundry day. Friday Date with my Man day.
Having a plan helps me not to get lost and get things done.
Whether it is work or pleasure.
Schedule it. It's more likely it will happen.

19. Joyful Music. Soundtrack your work.
Fill your home with good music. Especially on rainy dreary days.
It lifts and encourages to work on that chore you can't get around to do.
It helps me focus on the task at hand. And who can't use more focus?
If I'm on the net being distracted from what I really need to get done,
 I put on my-clean-the-house-playlist and oh, miracle of all miracles,
I get up and do it!

20. Breath Deep. Slow down.
Enjoy the moment, the season you are in.
When things get too fast, too overwhelming.
Breath Deep and Stay Calm.
Life is not a race, but a journey needing to be enjoyed.

21. I am Enough because He is enough. 
In Christ, I am Complete.
Remember that! No matter how much I lack, He is all and everything.
He will complete me and make me whole and enough.

Jan 28, 2013

Cyber Bullying in 4th grade?

I got this email from Amelie's teacher today:

"We've had some issues arise in the classroom due to texting amongst classmates.
Thank you for continuing to monitor their cell phones.
Have a great week!!"

Amelie told me that most of her friends have cell phones. 
It's been one of her arguments, why she should get one. 
She does have a Kindle which I feel is plenty enough...
I asked her about what issues were going on in class?
 She said some girl was Cyber bullying at school.
And texting inappropriate stuff; bad words.
They are not 10 yet! Those kids...
What has this world come to?
This! In 4th grade?!?!?

in Junior High experienced a form of bullying, not Cyber though.
She did not let it last long. 
She went to the school principal and told on the boys.
They were disciplined and never bothered her again.
I know it was a hard thing for her to do at the time.
She could have pressed charges against them but didn't. 
The matter was totally resolved with the school and parents of the boys.
I was very proud of her! 

This is a great information web site about Bullying.

Jan 26, 2013

Saturday Happenings Backwards

 Late evening
I threatened some neighbor kids at Emric's friend's birthday party
that were being very loud, so obnoxious and rude,
 We came to pick him up but waited until the movie they were watching on the patio under a giant parachute adorned with strings of colorful lights, was over.
(So fun, creative and cute!)
I threatened to call the police, after Mike tried to talk to them with no success...
My man is too nice.
I asked for a parent to come out and talk to me.
All she did was peak her head out her back door and told the kids to leave the teens alone...
They calmed down after I was done with them, though.
Dinner time
 Love sushi. Good for the belly.
Late afternoon
Grocery Shopping in my flip-flops. Love Texas winters! 

Love my reusable shopping bags. Hate it when I forget them!
Why doesn't everyone use them? I hate flimsy plastic bags!
Siblings not fighting. Playing together for 2 hours. Love it. Heaven at home!
I might even sing "Love at home" ? hummmm, never mind. I'm not quite there yet.
Cutting and freezing French Raclette cheese, bought  in Cincinnati, for when Justine comes home.
I love, adore, cook, crave, and miss french food. 
Walk in the forest with my man and dog.
Nature. Good for the soul.
Life is good.

Jan 25, 2013

District Dive Meet

Emric is getting better and better...
5th Place in District! 
He qualifies for Regionals!
All his dives are on Google+
Way to go son!

Emric had such a good day!

He did well on a make up French test
Made regionals
And was so excited when he realised his school backpack,
which was sitting in a puddle of water, had a waterproof bottom!
It was so good to see him so happy and grateful for big and little things!
He is a great happy kid. Has always been.

Sorry the pictures are so bad! I don't know what happpend I think it was the really intence humidity...

Jan 24, 2013

Derby Race

So Mike and I thought we were never ever having to deal with Derby cars ever again.
After 2 boys in cub scouts, that was 8 years of making the darn cars.
We were wrong!
Amelie's activity day techers at church had the great idea to have their girls participate in a Derby race.

She did pretty good. 
Came in 3rd place.

Amelie and her iGroovy Derby car.

At the end of the race, Amelie asked

"Next time, can oncle Laurent come Visit?"

She heard how awesome he is at making these little cars fast
He was in town a few times Alexi and Emric had to make them.
He would spend hours on them making them perfect!

The winneres freindly race.

We're Thinking About The New Year

The best part of last year...
The best part of school last year was Round Robin
(Round Robin is the day they go to each classroom and have games each class created)

If I could do one thing again, it would be...
I would probably want to go to Ohio and play in the snow with my friends.

This year I can't wait to...
Do the Benchmark to get over it.

This year I want to...
be able to get a snowcone for never ever absent or tardy.

My goals for this year...
My goal is to reach level 10 in Gynmastics 
(the highest level)


Up-Coming Life Changes

Remember when I thought Mike's bad news was that he was losing his job?
Well, he is.
He has until the end of February to find a new one.

I'm Okay
Because he is okay and very optimistic.
"I'm at the prime of my career"
He says.

I hate the economy right now! 
Taxes are going up for EVERYONE not just the rich like 'some' promised.

Companies are tightening their belts.
Oh, how I wish Mitt had been elected!

But I'm grateful.
This job was supposed to be over last June.
This is part of being a Contractor.
It was to be expected.

But the unknown can be so unraveling.
A lot of "what if's" quietened by some "It'll be okay"
Back and forth.
But forward in faith, faith in God and faith in my good man,
who has always provided for our family.

Jan 22, 2013

Thoughts About PMS

Regarding my previous post.
I should have known... The why to 'why I do that?'
I should have seen the signs. I usually do and give my man a little warning...
The sweet creme of chestnut craving. the 2 twix bars I ate. The sweet tooth.
The headaches, neck and shoulder stress... Extra sensitivity.
Teary. Impatience. And flying of the handle.

I should walk around with signs hanging around my neck.
This is what they would say.

"Handle with CAUTION!
 Can blow up anytime"

"Watch what you say! 
Everything you say will be blown out 
of proportion and held against you"

"Do not bring up touchy subjects, or past unpleasant memories.
I will relive them, suffer them all over again and make you suffer too."

"Do not blame me for anything.
And I mean NOTHING"

For the kiddos

"For the next 2 days. 
Do everything I say. How I say. When I say"

That should do. 

Most months, the symptoms are so insignificant,
I can control the PMS monster pretty well, we barely notice, no, really...
But there are the occasional months where you better stay clear. 
And no way of telling which ones!
After 22 years, our kids, our marriage and Mike have survived them all.
That's 264, 
+ the 4 pregnancies which are like 9 months each of most likely possibly worst PMS symptoms. 

Advice to my girls 
As you grow up and get married warn your husband,
discuss your 'possible' symptoms before they think 
you have been abducted and replaced by an alien or worst a monster!
Then again you might just be fine and have no symptoms.
Yeah, right. 
Don't count on it!

Advice to my Boys/Future Son-in-laws
When you get married 
Take an important-can't-get-out-of-sudden-work-church-related trip out of town for a couple of days.
Oh and do not tell the girlfriend, wife, sister, mother, friend she has PMS!

Just be kind, and caring, and helpful, and sweet, and take no offence,
if you can't do all the above, stay clear, or suffer (see previous post...)

Jan 19, 2013

Not My Best Day.

This morning I woke up so excited to spend the whole day with my man.
I had it all planned out.
Forest walk. Finish Amelie's Derby car. Lunch. Dive meet. Movie in bed to end the day.
With a couple of things on the guy's please-help-with-list.
Well it all went sour during our walk.
An issue from years ago resurfaced, brought back bad feelings from a disagreement
 and it ruined the rest of the day for me.
I even went berserk and lost it because the poor guy tracked sand all through the house
that I took time to clean yesterday to make our home nice for the week-end!
Berserk, like slamming doors and throwing the offensive shoes down the stairs. 
The real problem, is that I still don't feel understood and validated regarding this issue we had years ago...
 I had felt so hurt. 
Why do I do that?
I don't like who I become when I lose control!
It feels good when in the moment, you feel so justified. 
But then comes the feel crappy part.
And then I have to go through that whole process of repenting and eating humble pie, and 'I'm sorries'.
And having my poor kids look at me like... Wow!
Not fun. Really. Not fun.

But Hey. 
At least Mike made himself feel better by buying himself a new Chrome book 
(And I thought he was going to come home with flowers.)
Hey, at least he doesn't go out and drink!
He says he is not mad at me.
Oh, I feel so much better!
 And he wants me to erase all of this but I don't want to. 
Cause this is life. 
And at the end of it we forget all the bad stuff and think it was all a bliss... 
But it isn't. 
Life is hard sometimes. 
Marriage is hard. Family life is hard.
There are good days, bad days, boring days, exciting days, great days.
Good years and not so good years.
( the 3 worst years in our marriage were the 3 years we moved,  huge life stresses)
Relationships are hard.
They need constant nourishment, 
compromise, forgiveness, giving and taking,
selflessness, agreeing to disagree and so forth...

So here we are, in bed, after this not so great Saturday
Me venting on my blog. Him on his new toy.

Tomorrow will be a better day.
A good nights sleep does wonders for me when these kinda days happen.
I rarely stay upset after a good night's sleep.
To me it heals and calms mind and body. Gives perspective.
Just don't ask me to makeup anytime before that.
As for Mike, he doesn't need a good nights sleep to make things better, 
He kinda lives in LaLa land where everything is rosy and happy!
Where forgiving comes so fast and easily, where there is no offence,
where no one does wrong, and bad memories are fast forgotten...
I just don't live there yet!
I wish I did.
I wish I was more like him.

(Amelie was awesome today)

Awesome dives Amelie!

We were at Amelie's dive meet all afternoon today.
She is now diving with the 10-12 year old.
She did awesome!
She took 1st place in both the 1 meter and the 3 meter events!
This was her third meet with her Lonestar diving team.
This is all very promising!

Jan 18, 2013

Little Kindness & Little Frost.

This morning at 7:30 when It was time to take Amelie to school,
for her morning school duties, her class is in charge of this month,.
I found a towel on my windshield.
It made me smile. 
It made me feel cared for. 
It made me feel loved.
Come to find out my Man put it there so I would not have frost on it!
So thoughtful...
I love thoughtfulness from my guy!

Yesterday, it took a long time to defrost it like 5 minutes, 
and that is long time when you are driving with hardly no clear vision, 
and the heat on full high, to get Amelie to Choir practice on time.
He must have telepathically heard me complain when it happened?
Because I never mentioned it to him.

We don't own scrapers anymore...
No need here in Houston Texas.  

A Place to Be at Peace

Yesterday was: 
A lovely morning
A lovely sunny morning

This is one place I love . 
Where I always feel good and at peace.
Where family ties past and future are remembered.
Where time has no bearing. 
A place where generations meet.
And loved ones are bonded.
A place to be at peace and contemplate never ending stories.
On this lovely sunny morning...

Jan 17, 2013

My Baby Hitting Puberty? NO!!!!!!

Last night, Amelie and I did a little shopping for her.
Her dive practice got canceled last minute...
One of the things we got her was some deodorant!
Yep, she is not 10 yet!
Earlier at school she told me her teacher told all 4th graders
that they stink and need to use deodorant!
"You guys are way to old to not be wearing deodorant.
Sorry 3rd graders I wasn't talking to you.
4th graders stink!!!!"

I agree on that one... for the boys! 
Have you ever come within a few feet of a boy who just played on the playground for 10mn!
But Girls... not so much, in my opinion!
Unless it is really humid and hot and they run a lot!

So here we were smelling deodorants at Target.
Which ones does she like the best?
Well, as you have it, she has the same tastes in smell as her mommy!
(promise, I did not coax her into anything!)
The 2 favorite ones were Vanilla and Pear.
I love Fruit scents and Vanilla scents.
He sister Justine is more of a floral lover!
So we bought the Vanilla one since I have the Pear one and she can borrow mine occasionally.
Justine was much older when we started buying deodorant.
What is next for Amelie tampons?
Hopefully I've got a few more years before my baby girl starts using those...

But she did start shaving her legs this summer!!!
( I think I was 13 when I first did it)
So I stoped her and had her use my epilator (the best invention ever!)
If she sticks with that in 20 years she will have no hair left on her legs! 
It didn't even hurt her that bad when she did it! 
The first time I did it 6 or 7 years ago, it nearly killed me!

Sorry guys about all this girl talk!

Jan 16, 2013

"I have some very bad news"

Tonight, as my Man walked through our bedroom door after 
Chloe greeted him with her usual exited yelps and wines, 
and a few lickings on his face, 
Mike announced:
"I have some very bad news"
I brace myself for:
'I lost my job' kinda bad news.
But no, thankgoodness, this is what he said:
"I talked to a lot of people tonight, 
and those Marrons glaces were donated a few days ago to a church.
They were a Christmas special, were discounted and then donated!"
I'm a few days too late! 
He would have bought them all too, that's Mike, you know!
Zut alors!
Darn it!

Rewind about an hour before
I had texted him
"I'm really craving those Chestnuts Glaces from H&H" 

Mike is too sweet, he went out of his way tonight to stop by H&H to try and get them for me...
Now, that is a good caring Hubby for you, well for me, really!

Thank you lover... You still get the credit! :)

Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

I posted my friends recipie for these cookies on my cooking blog here.
These are so yummy!
They literally vanish as soon as they come out the oven!
Jamie made some for us on Sunday night for Family home eavening with them...
They literaly vanished within a few minutes!

Instagram 2012

Since it's been cold here, and rainy again,
I've been working on organising a few of my pictures...
Here are most of my Instagram Moments from 2012.


Jan 12, 2013

Les Miserables & A Word about Movie Theaters.

While in Ohio, I got to see 'Les Miserables' on the big screen.
It was so beautiful!
I loved it!
Yes, there is a but. Actually 2 buts!

But #1
I wish I had not seen it in the movie theater!
I wish I had waited for it to come out on the net.
I am disliking more and more movie theaters.
Unfortunately my man still enjoys it!
Besides the excessive cost
I would much rather be in my own home, with my own germs- no stranger's germs.
In my cozy bed.
Where I can cry and just bawl like a baby if I want to!
That is what I did during this cry-your-eyes-out-masterpiece!
I had to restrain myself too much, when all I wanted to do was let go of my emotions!

But #2
I could have done without the very strong British accent of Gavroche, is he not French, after all? 
Slightly annoying and distracting!

You Got Some Nice Moves Kid!

Yesterday, Emric had a 11 dive meet. 
He is finally gaining more control over his body and losing some of that teen boy awkwardness...

I love to see my kids involved in good stuff! 
As I was watching the coach's interaction with the kids, 
I felt immense gratitude for good, involved, caring, kid-inspirering, dedicated teachers. 
They truly are doing a wonderful service to our kids, and play a big role in who they become.
They truly make a difference for good  in our kids lives...

Thank you! Good coaches and teachers everywhere!

Jan 11, 2013

My Not 'New Year Resolutions'

A few lot of things I want to continue doing,
do better, accomplish, become and/or see this year.
I see most of these as daily, weekly and monthly living
rather than the well-meaning-but-quickly-abandoned 'new year resolutions'.
This works better for me. I feel less presure and I do more
because I reevalute them daily, weekly and monthly.
 A Year is too long. I prefere "Baby Steps".
It's more managable.

Relationship with God  
Daily sincere prayers and scripture pondering.
Weekly recording on my spiritual/gratitude blog.
Listen to 1 or 2 General Conference talk every week on my walks.
Monthly Temple attendance/service; once with a girl friend, once with Mike.
Fulfill my callings in my Church Ward 100%
Find more opportunities to serve others.

Fitness and Well Being
 Zumba class 3 times a week.
 Yoga at home 2 times a week for 30mn.
Brisk daily walks for 1h. Do a few HITT workouts on yoga days.
Make breakfast a priority. Big healthy lunch. Afternoon snack and light dinner.
Learn about and do more sprouting. (Almonds, wheat, walnuts, rice)
Lap swim 30mn during the summer months once or twice a week.
Maybe pick up more cycling with Mike and Amelie?
Go to sleep before 10:30pm

Be a better mom and wife.
Read Marley and me with Amelie
Get Emric to finally finish his Eagle. This is the year!
Teach Emric to drive! I'm not your best teacher for driving lessons.
I'm afraid, I freak out more than I help!!! Mike is better than I in that erea.
Better/more peaceful daily family prayers and scripture reading (before 9pm).
Go to all the meets I can to watch Emric and Amelie compete and/or practice....
Make my man a priority. Weekly dates. Week-end walks.Words of Affirmations.
(I need  to stop telling him he is getting pudgy and policing his eating habits)
Work on my Family history. Sort through years of digital photos.
Edit Photos and post years 2004, 2003, 2002 and 2001
Stay updated with my weekly blog posts.
Finish my England Blog

San Antonio.
Not miss the Texas Blue bonnet flowers, again!
I would love to go to France and see my family?
Maybe Hawaii to see Justine?

Paint Amelie's bedroom
Keep up with the yard work!
Succeed in growing tomatoes in Texas?
2 years with no success! Maybe the 3rd time will be the one?
Go through more than one junk draw/cupboard a year!
How about one draw/cupboard once a month?
(Especially my Tupperware cupboard mess!)
Tackle the half bath remodeling.

Well, now that this is all in writing, I should be more accountable...

Jan 10, 2013

Two days of Darkness

These past 2 days have been dark so dark with rain and more rain.
Don't get me wrong, I love rain, but
I had to do something to keep the darkness outside from seeping into my soul.
So here are a few things I did to keep the darkness and gloom out.

* 'Downton Abbey' Season 3 Episode 1 & 2 (Awesome!)
* Yoga
* At least 3 episodes of 'Parenthood'
* Walking the dogs in the drizzling rain and foggy woods with a friend
* 'Doc Martin'
* Eat all the yummy gooey oatmeal cookies a friend made for me.
* Zumba (To burn off the cookies)
* Blogging & Picture editing
* Sprouting class at Church
*Power naps
* Spiritual soul-searching time alone in the Word (scripture that is)
* I didn't do the dishes for 2 days, but finally did them last night.
* I didn't sort and put away all my winter clothes I dumped in my bathtub,
before I left for Ohio. I might not need them this year again...

And Today the Sun is Shinning bright!
My awesome man, who I haven't seen during those dark days, (he is overly busy at work)
 cleaned the garage this morning before I was out of bed!

Windows are opened to let the fresh air and the sunlight shine in!

Jan 9, 2013

This Past Year

“Come and hear, all who fear God, 
And I will tell of what He has done for my soul.”
Psalm 66

How He has blessed my family in 2012:
* Answered my prayers and desires for renewed love for my man.
* 2 Surgeries to fix my man's shoulder and knee. 
* Long painful but successful recoveries.
* Extended family ties where strengthened this summer.
* Righteous daughter growing up, taking small and giant steps toward adulthood.
* Channeling a little girls energy in better things, like gymnastics.
* A courageous son slowly getting his Crone's disease under control. 
(Fingers crossed)
*A good teen-boy, keeping himself worthy, against the norm.
* New girl friendships with opportunities to serve and camaraderie.
* New callings to expand my talents, to grow and to serve in his kingdom.
* A new lovely place to walk my Chloe everyday. The rainbow bridge trail.

* 4 Best friend visits to keep a 22 year old friendship well and alive.

* My man's job extended past his 2 year original contract.
* A new affordable fun fitness program I love: Zumba. 
* A healthy body at this wonderful age of 45.
* A romantic Aruba trip with my man.
*A Summer trip to Utah.
And many more...


Jan 4, 2013

Going Home

 We left Ohio, the day after Alexi came out of his week-long-hospital-stay.
I was able to take him to Old Navy to get him a few clothes I had promised him for Christmas.

We shared great moments with family and friends.
Unfortunately, we wish we could have seen more friends, it just wasn't in the cards this time...

The snow was nice and so much fun.
But, as the kids and I stopped at the Texas border for lunch, 
we got out of the car and the cold chill was gone!
A nice welcome home...
We even ate our Pizza outside!
The drive home went very well.
We did sleep in a crummy motel though...
Don't stay there!
 Believe the bad reviews.

Jan 2, 2013

Mission Puzzle accomplished

It took tons of late night hours, 
my slightly OCD sister Audie, Chris and a few teens, 
to finish this hard Coca Cola Puzzle!
They sure are cute though!

Here it is, all modgepoged...

Jan 1, 2013

Snow Tracks in a Winter Wonderland

 So much running, playing, and walking in the snow...
Chloe stopped often to chew of the ice that would collect in her paws.
Chloe and Libby are like best friends.
They Love each other!

I love love love walking in fresh snow, feeling it crackle under foot...
the sound it makes, the extra workout.
The beauty of this pure white blanket covering mother earth.