Sep 29, 2011

Weekend in Salt Lake City

Mike and I had the chance of flying into Salt Lake City for a short but wonderful weekend. 
Friday night, we spent the evening with my sister and her family. 
Sophie Johnson came to see us. 
We, the girls, had a lot of fun going through Aude's closet, 
getting ride of old stuff and trying on outfits for Nephi's wedding the next day.
We spent the whole day with Mike's family. 
His sister RuthAnne and brother in law Marc were there too from England. 
As well as his Aunt Shirley from California. 
It had been 16 years since the siblings were all together! 
And what a beautiful occasion to be together than the union of 2 great souls... 
Nephi and Thanh his lovely sweet petite wife! 
have tones of pictures of course, I am working on a blog for them.
Mike et moi avons la chance d'aller a Salt Lake City pour un court,
mais merveilleux week-end.
Vendredi soir, nous l'avons passe avec ma soeur Aude et sa famille.
Sophie Johnson a passe la soiree avec nous aussi. 
Nous, les filles, avons fait le placard d'Aude, a lui debarasse d'habits,
ainsi que d'essayer des ensembles pour le mariage du lendemain.
 Samedi, on a passer toute la journee avec la famille a Mike.
Sa Soeur RuthAnne et beau frere Marc etait la aussi d'Angleterre.
Ainsi que sa tante Shirley, de la Californie.
Cela faisait 16 ans que les enfants etaient tous ensemble.
Et quelle magnifique occasion d'etre reuni pour l'union de 2 grandes ames: Nephi et Thanh.
J'ai plein de photos biensur, je suis en train de leur creer un blog.

Sep 16, 2011

Love this clip!!!! So true!

Preparing to go To Utah

So excited Mike and I are to go to Salt Lake City today! 
Unfortunately it's only for 2 1/2 days... 
Wish I could stay a little longer...
We are going for Nephi's wedding!
How fun is that!!!
At the airport and in the plane; Mike Working.
Isn't he cute? He was focussing so hard on his work!
Super contente d'aller a Salt Lake City avec Mike!
Seulement pour 2 jours 1/2...
J'aurais aimer rester un peu plus longtemps.
On va au mariage de Nephi!
C'est genial!

Sep 10, 2011

Rock climbing in Austin Texas with Lasah and Sarah. 
Amelie had so much fun!!!

Sep 7, 2011

Memories of a dear Friend....

Yesterday, my dear friend Denise Kisor of 16 years,  passed away...
She was diagnosed with brain cancer around April.
I think of her and smile. 
I picture her in Heaven being embraced by loved ones.
I'm so glad I got to see her before she moved on from this life.
I'm so thankful I got to tell her how much she meant to me 
and what a beautiful example she was to me. 
Knowing her has made me a better person.
She was a rock, sweet, meek, kind, loving, forgiving...etc.
She was soooooo Christlike.
She had a hard life but lived it without complaint.
I will forever think of her and want to be better.
Til we meet again...

Hier, ma tres chere amie de 16 ans, Denise Kisor est passee dans l'audela.
Elle a eu un diagnostic de cancer du cerveau vers le mois d'avril.
Je pense a elle et je souris.
Je l'imagine au paradis avec ses etres chers qui l'accueil avec joie.
Je suis reconnaissante de l'avoir revu cet ete avant qu'elle nous quite.
J'ai pu lui dire combien elle a touchee ma vie avec son merveilleux exemple.
Je suis une meilleur personne de l'avoir connue.
Elle etait solide come un rock, gentille, humble, pleine d'amour... etc.
Elle etait comme le Christ.
Elle a eu une vie difficile et l'a vecu sans se plaindre.
Quand je pense elle, je veux etre meilleur, pour toujours,
j'usqu'a ce que l'on se revoit...

Successful Surgery

Alexi was back yesterday in the hospital for surgery. 
Since the medications are not working, he is going to have a bag.
Again, wish I was there for him.
My dearest angel/friend Sarah is taking care of him.
Everything went really well.
The surgeon was happy with the whole procedure. 
Alexi was so happy this morning!!! 
No more painful symptoms!

Alexi etait de retour a l'hopital pour une operation.
Les medicaments ne marche pas donc il lui on mis un sac.
J'aurais bien aimer etre la pour lui... 
Heureusement que ma bonne amie/ange Sarah s'occupe bien de lui.
Tout c'est tres bien passe!
Alexi etait trop content ce matin! 
Plus de symptoms qui font mal! 

Sep 5, 2011


So it's official, Amelie goes by Emmi at school.
At home she is still Amelie.

C'est officiel, a l'ecole, Amelie se fait apeler Emmi.
Mais a la maison elle est toujours Amelie.

Labor day

After we all worked in the yard raking the pine needles, 
weeding and cleaning up, we went for a couple of hours to the pool. 
I love that in the Woodlands, 
we get a summer pass that gives us entrance to all the 13 pools of every village. 
This is our favorite! It's got a lazy river, it's soooo relaxing, floating on tubes... 
It's in the village of Creekside...
After our record-breaking-hotest-summer-since-forever, we are cooling a little. 
Unfortunately, we are not getting any rain. We need some desperately... 
We are all on water restriction.
By the way, the heat didn't stop us from enjoying the summer... 
It wasn't too unbearable, like we were told before we moved here. 
I quite like Texas weather...

Esther and Valentin

We had the joy of welcoming my neice Esther and her boyfriend Valentin. 
They came for 5 days, a little too short of a visit, if you ask me....
More pics of thier visit on my facebook.

Nous avons eu la joie de recevoire Esther et son copin Valentin.
Ils sont venus pour 5 jours, c'etait un peu trop juste pour nous...
Plus de photos avec eux sur facebook