Dec 30, 2013

New Braces

Amelie getting braces!
She will keep them for 18 months to 2 years.
She actually loves her braces and thinks they look good on her!?
She is one confident child, that one!

Yesterday, Mike, Amelie, Chloe and I took a little drive in the country.
We stopped by where she dives.
Amelie talked to the Horse's owner - from previous post - and asked if she could give him an apple. 
He said no. 
"This is private property" he said.
I guess he has his rights...
I guess that is why some people live in the country: to get away from people like us!
The worst part is I still don't know his name!

We didn't give up though and found another lovely horse in the field behind the pool...
Isn't he beautiful?
And he loved the apple!

Yeah I know Amelie should not be on the other side of the fence!
Naughty Girl!

Dec 27, 2013

An Apple for The Horse

After the christmas break dive practice, Sarah, Olli, Chloe,
Amelie and I paid a little visit next door to The Horse.

I really wish I knew this sweet horse's name...
- I probably never will -
Come to find out the owner or guy who cares for it
is unfortunately not very friendly.
He does not want us to feed it, or come visit it.
 The land has been for sale for over 2 years now.

Whenever I see this cute baby, he is alone... 
I will still go visit with chloe when no one is around... 

Dec 25, 2013


 Our tree and one of the 3 baby Jesus made by the 3 older kids, years and years ago!
I believe this one is Justine's masterpiece! :)

Chloe loving her huge gigantic Christmas chew bone from her girlfriend Libby!
And that is only half of it! Libby has the other half!

We had our traditional homemade waffles for brunch after we opened presents.
The best part of my Christmas were 7 cute little love cards everyone wrote to me after
I wasn't feeling all the love from a certain someone.
I was given these by sweet Justine when I got back from a 1hour1/2 walk with Chloe all by myself.
-Yeah... Sometimes, as in all relationships, feelings can get hurt. Even on Christmas day-

I'm only posting the fun pet ones.
The other ones I will cherish for years to come! :)

Thank you for Yum Yums...
Thank you for Walks...
Thanks you for Scratches!
You're almost Perfect
But I wish you would've got me a squirrel...

Love Chloe
Written by Alexi

Dear Meooom!
Thank you for giving birth to master - Emric - and taking care of him so he can take care of me. 
And thank you for feeding me sometimes too.
Thanks for palace of a home where I can go where ever I want.
Including those awesome counters.
Thanks for telling the dog to leave me alone,
but i think it would just be a better idea to get rid of her, right meow

Written by Justine

Dec 22, 2013

Lovely Sunday Afternoon Walk

In the middle of December...

Friends. Family. Doggies. Sunshine.

Gotta love it!

Dec 16, 2013

Justine is Here...

 ... And our nuclear family is complete!!!!

We haven't been just the 6 of us for Christmas for... over 3 years or more...

Justine arrived today from Hawaii for 3 weeks.
[I still can't believe how lucky she is to be living there!]

Love it!

Puppy Cuddles!

Going to the Ice Skating rink with Lil' Sister Amelie!

Dec 13, 2013

Alexi Is Here

 Alexi arrived today for the Holidays!

We are happy to have him stay with us for a good amount of time. 
He is staying for a month.
There will be more photos in future posts.
-Yeah, he's a boy-
I don't have nearly as many photos of the boys as I do the girls!

We are having great weather!
It's a change for him coming from the cold winters of Ohio!

Dec 3, 2013

Texas Garden Planting Chart

After my lovely walk in the woods, I went to a little Relief Society activity on gardening in Texas.

Kelli - in the orange shirt - is full of knowledge about everything green and 
how to grow yummy stuff in Texas. 
She learned by trial and error.
She shared her gardening wisdom with a few of us, and took us to the 
Woodlands Community Gardens, where locals can rent a plot for very cheep.
Growing season is almost year round!
It was pretty cool, and again we had PERFECT weather!

Her little class gave me the desire to do more gardening.

Just look at this Kale and Broccoli, they are so beautiful!
Some people really know what they are doing...

My Morning walk with the girls...
Notice the leaves changing color... Yep in December...
I found some more weird looking fungus.