Sep 25, 2009


Mami braided Amelie's hair this morning. She looked so cute! I couldn't resist stopping time by capturing this little beauty when she got of the bus... She is growing up too fast!
Mami a fait des tresses ce matin a Amelie. Elle etait trop belle! Je n'ai pas pu resister l'envie d'arreter le temps en saisissant ce moment a la sortie du bus. Elle grandit trop vite!

Sep 21, 2009

Missing teeth

Amelie had her 1st tooth fall out on the 15th of September! It was quickly followed by the on right next to it a few days later! She talks funny now! She is such a big girl now! Going to school all day!

Amelie a perdu sa 1ere dent le 15 septembre! Elle a ete vite suivi par celle d'accote quelques jours apres. Elle est une grand fille maintenant, elle va a l'ecole toute la journee!

Sep 12, 2009

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Rock climbing and repelling

We did a lot of activities this summer! I am going to try to put a few here... I may have lost a lot of photos on my external hard drive from this summer... Yep it died! :( But most of my photos were backed up on another drive! Thank goodness!

Justine and I went with a few young women from her class at church rock climbing with our Bishop. Emric was already there with at a scout camp out. We had a lot of fun! I even repelled and rock climbed! I find the repelling still very easy, but the climbing was a little more challenging than when I remember in my younger days! I loved it though! Justine was like a monkey and the Dare Devil that she is! Emric was quiet at ease too!