A 'Ray of Sunshine' came through the back door at the drop of a hat,
in the form of a sweet sister-girlfriend, Jamie.
To comfort, to offer friendship, to paint toe nails orange!
A breath of fresh air on a beautiful, beautiful sunny day!
Even though my heart was gloomy.
Funny it is.
Because yesterday, I was an answer to her prayer, so she says.
She called me 'Angel'.
I went to her, offering a helping hand, a chick flick and a lunch.
When she said:
"How can I repay you?",
I said:
"By just by being you, a Ray of Sunshine,
you just make people happy just by your presence."
Today she was just that to me!
A sweet concerned caring Justine called from paradise.
A little uplifting comment from across the world. Merci Petit Frere...
Sometimes you just need to know someone cares...
Grateful today for an answered prayer.
Thank you.
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'Macaron aux Framboise" French almond biscuit with vanilla cream and rasberries. |
I defrosted a Trader's Joe 'Macaron aux Framboise'
d'habitude, je ne regarde pas aussi longtemps une part de gâteau parce qu'elle part très vite là où elle faut qu'elle soit!!!! Celle-ci me résiste beaucoup...bon je ferme les yeux et vais me coucher. Peut-être fera t'elle une apparition dans un de mes rêves, qui sait???...Je vais allez chercher une cuillère et dormir avec aux cas ou!!!
I Love you mom!
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