Sep 12, 2010

20 Year Anniversary...

Mike and I are in Jacksonville Florida waiting to embark on
The Carnival Fascination Boat tomorrow.
I am so excited! To tell you the truth...
I didn't want to come, or at least I wanted to reschedule this cruise
because of all the stuff we are going through.
But now that I am away from home, I am letting myself look forward to it.
I am gladly and gratefully going to take and enjoy the welcome break with pleasure.
Last night we went swimming in the oh.... so warm, and wonderful ocean...
It was so much fun!
I felt like a little girl again, jumping in the waves, and
flirting with my wonderful partner of soon to be 20 years.
No worries.
No stresses.
The Fascination Carnival Cruise Boat we are boarding tomorrow

Mike et moi somme en Floride a Jacksonville. On attend d'embarquer sur une croisiere.
J'ai bien hate... Pour dire la verite, avec tout ce qui se passe en ce moment,
je ne voulais pas venir, ou au moins, repouser la date, mais cela n'etait pas possible.
Mais maintenant que je suis ici, je vais bien apprecier et prendre
cette super escapade avec plaisir.
Hier soir, nous somes aller a la mer, l'eau etait super bonne.
Je me suis senti comme une petite fille a sauter dans les vagues
et a flirter avec mon epoux de bientot 20 ans.
Pas de soucis.
Pas de stress.

Sep 5, 2010

Needed Blessing

This past weekend, I couldn't take all the stress anymore, I felt like I was literally going to break. I just wanted everything to go away. I curled up in a fetal position in my bed (not a good sign).
I asked Mike for an overdue Priesthood blessing.
As he put his hands upon my head and gave me a blessing of comfort, faith, strength and patience, I literally felt all my stress, my worries, my fears and my doubts leave my soul. Those overwhelming feelings were instantly replaced with hope, love and peace...
It was like getting a shot in the arm.
I am so thankful for a husband who is worthy to minister to his family in a way
that blesses and enriches our lives, and keeps me sane!

Ce week-end passe, je ne pouvais plus porter tout le stress. J'avais l'impression que j'allais casse. Je voulais que tout disparaisse. Je me suis mise en boule dans mon lit (pas un bon signe).
J'ai demande a Mike de me donner une benediction bien attendue.
Des qu'il a mis ses mains sur ma tete pour me donner une benediction de confort,
de foi, de force et de patience, j'ai ressentis tout mon stress, mes soucis,
mes peurs, et mes craintes quiter mon ame.
Ces sentiments accablants ont etes tout de suite remplace par des sentiments de foi,
d'amour et de paix...
C'etait comme si j'avais recu une injection.
Je suis si reconnaissante d'avoir un epoux qui est digne de de ministrer a sa famille
d'une facon qui nous enrichi la vie et nous benis, et me garde saine d'esprit!

Sep 1, 2010

The Big Doughnut Machine

So here I am, at Cincinnati Children's Hospital watching Alexi go through this big doughnut like X-ray machine. We loved the stickers all over the walls of Nemo & Dori (my favorite). When asked what movie Alexi wanted to see as he got ready for his CT scan, he said Nemo, he just couldn't resist!
It's been an interesting and challenging summer for our family. On top of the "imminent move" and all the stress associated with it, Alexi has been quite sick since I took my first trip to Houston, the last week of June. After taking him to our Family Doctor, he was referred to a GI specialist at Children's.
It took about 2 months of testing for Alexi to be diagnosed with an Autoimmune Disease.

He is doing well, responding to the initial steroid treatment. He is also accepting pretty well his new condition. He turned 18 last week. I think it is a relief for him to know what it is, to get on medication, so he can get well and get on with his life.
As for me, it's been hard, I couldn't have gone through this summer without some serious support and help. Sarah has been a God sent angel, so has Justine and even Emric who have helped a lot by watering every day and getting the house ready for showings... I am so grateful for them. I know it's been hard on all of us, but we will make it through...