Jul 30, 2011

Daily walks With Sarah

One of my favorite things this summer while in Ohio,
was our daily walks in nature with the dogs.
I am so lucky to have a such a good friend as Sarah!
Friendships like that are rare...

Jul 29, 2011

Jul 28, 2011

Nickname for Amelie?

So Amelie is going to Bible school every morning for a week.
I noticed that the cute crafts she is bringing home have the name Amy written on it.
And that the kids there are calling her "Amy".
She wants to change her name because some kids
on her school bus were calling her "Omelette"!
How on earth did they get "Omelette" from Amelie?
Kids can be so mean sometimes!
Amy is Ok, but she doesn't look like an Amy to me.
I'm trying to talk her into being called something else,
that is more unique...
I though about Melie, but the kids were quick to let me know that it sounded like Smely!
So, here are other ideas I found online:
Millie, Emmie, Mimi, Ellie, Mia, LeeLee, Lili, Alie, Amie.
My Favorite: Emmie.
To Be Continued...

I've turned my daughter into a real poser!

Jul 20, 2011

Daddy's Boss is Mean...

Conversation with Amelie as she climbed in bed with me for a morning snuggle.

Amelie: Can daddy come stay with us for a week?
Moi: No, he can't, he's got to work.
Amelie: Can't he work on his computer here?
Moi: No his boss won't let him, not like his old boss. 
Amelie: Daddy's boss is mean! Why does daddy have to work all day!!!!
Moi: Because that is what daddies do. So we can eat, have clothes, a home...
Amelie: Why did daddy have to get retired from his old job?
Moi: How about you talk to daddy about that?

Jul 16, 2011

A cheap MOOOOO Date

Justine went on a fun date last week on Cow day! 
She was told to dress-up as a Cow from head to toe, 
be hungry, and bring her swimming suit... 
DJ came to pick her up, also as a cow, and took her for a free meal at Chick-Fil-A
Followed by some water fun at a water park.
I love the Creativity in the cow costumes made out of kitchen garbage bags!
Notice the plastic sticking to Justine's legs!
J'aime la creativite des costumes fait de sacs poubelle!
Justine a eu un super date la semaine derniere;
elle a du se deguiser en vache, avoir faim et emmener son moyot de bain. 
DJ est venu la chercher, lui aussi deguise en vache,
il l'a emmener a Chick-Fil-A pour un sandwish gratuit,
ils se sont ensuite amuse a un Park d'eau.
Quel bonne idee! 

Belated-BirthDay-Pool-Party For Amelie

 Amelie had so much fun at her Belated-Birthday-Pool-Party!
She was so happy to have all her friends from Cincinnati with her!
Oh...What Happiness!
 Amelie c'est bien amusee a sa fete d'anniversaire (oui bien en retard)... 
Mais comme elle etait contente d'etre avec ses amis de Cincinnati!
Oh... Quel Bonheur!

Jul 6, 2011

Happy To Be in Cinci!!!

After a long long long drive across the country,
we arrived in Cincinnati late Saturday Night. 
I decided to come after Alexi was taken to the hospital. 
Mike had the 4th off so it made sense to leave this week-end.
We left Firday to pick up Emric from Trek in Oklahoma
 before he got on the bus to head home.
So our usual 17ich hour drive became a 25ich hour drive!!!! 
Oklahoma state is quite pretty, I thought it was all flat and boring but it wasn't.
Alexi was released from the hospital the day we arrived. 
Yesterday, he had some good news: 
He had slept well through his night,
and was considerably noticing a difference in his health. 
He started a new medication along with all the other stuff he is taking.
We are crossing our fingers and hoping this will help.
Mike got back in Houston on the 4th and will fly back to Cinci to drive us home in August.