Jul 28, 2011

Nickname for Amelie?

So Amelie is going to Bible school every morning for a week.
I noticed that the cute crafts she is bringing home have the name Amy written on it.
And that the kids there are calling her "Amy".
She wants to change her name because some kids
on her school bus were calling her "Omelette"!
How on earth did they get "Omelette" from Amelie?
Kids can be so mean sometimes!
Amy is Ok, but she doesn't look like an Amy to me.
I'm trying to talk her into being called something else,
that is more unique...
I though about Melie, but the kids were quick to let me know that it sounded like Smely!
So, here are other ideas I found online:
Millie, Emmie, Mimi, Ellie, Mia, LeeLee, Lili, Alie, Amie.
My Favorite: Emmie.
To Be Continued...

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