Jan 31, 2010

A little bragging...

Just had to mention how well our Jr high and high schoolers are doing. 
They all 3 are strait A students! 
Alexi took the ACT and scored really high too.

Alexi, Justine et Emric ont tous eu un buletin de note super excellent. 
Tous des A. 
Alexi aussi a prit un test pour renter dans les universites,
il a eu une tres bonne note.

Jan 30, 2010

A few Helpful things... to feel better during these winter months

* The Sun showing up for a few days
Warms my heart.

* A new Blog I read every day: NieNie
She was pulled out by her husband from a plane crash and survived.
She is incredible. When i visit her blog it does something to me.
Gives me perspective, makes me grateful.

* Was inspired by a Relief Society Meeting to get more organised.
Got a great book to help me: The Change your life Challenge
Gives me clarity... feels oh so good!

* Reading my scriptures more often.
Blogging my thoughts on my Scripture Blog to help me ponder them.
Feeds my spirit, gives me peace, I feel closer to my God.

* Exercising at least 4 to 5 times a week.
Last winter I put on too much, not gonna happen this winter!
Gives me Energy, keeps me in my favorite jeans!

Des P'tits chose qui m'aide a me sentir meiux pdt ces mois d'hivers

* Le soleil qui sort pendant qlqs jours
Me rechaufe le coeur

* Un nouveau blog que je visit tous les jours: NieNie
Son mari l'a sauve d'un accident d'avion. Elle est incroyable.
Quand je visit son blog cela me fait quelque chose au ceour.
Me donne de la perspective et me rend reconnaissante

* Inspiree par une reunion de Societe de Secour a m'organiser.
Acheter un livre super pour m'aider: The Change your life Challenge
Me donne de la clarite, feels oh so good!

* Lis mes ecritures plus. Blog mes pensees pour m'aider a mediter.
Eleve mon esprit, plus de paix, je me sens plus pres de mon Pere Celeste.

* Fais de l'exersice 4 a 5 fois par semaine.
L'hiver dernier j'ai pris trop de kilos, ca va pas arriver cet hiver!
Me donne de l'energie. Je peux rentrer dans mon jeans prefere.

Jan 24, 2010

I Need Sunshine!

I just looked at the weather forecast and there is no sign of sun in the near future... I am seriously considering getting a little artificial sun!

Je viens de regarder le temps pour cette semaine et il n'y a pas de sign de soleil dans le future proch... Je suis en train de considerer serieusement une petite seance de soleil artificiel!

Jan 23, 2010

Bouquet of friendship

We have had some very gloomy weather lately... My good friend Sarah made my day when she showed up with this bouquet of Tulips! One of my favorite flowers! She also brought some feel good treats: French bread, and cheese! Yum! It really did brighten my day! Thank you my little ray of sunshine!!!!
Can't wait for spring to be back! :)

En ce moment on a un temps bien triste ici, pluie et nuage... Ma bonne amie Sarah m'a fait bien plaisir quand elle est venue me voir avec un bouquet de tulips au bras! Une de mes fleur preferee. Elle m'a ausii apporter des petites delicatesses Francaises: baguette avec camanber! Yumm! Cela m'a rechaufer le coeur! Merci Mon petit rayon de soleil!
J'ai hate que le printemps revienne! :)

Jan 15, 2010

Bedroom Makeover

La chambre de Justine a eu un 'makeover'.
Elle l'a fait comme projet de Personal Progre pour les Jeune filles.
Papi l'a aider avec les etapes, mais elle a fait une bonne partie du travaille.
Je trouve que cela pete de joie et de couleur!!! :)
Justine's bedroom got a bright makeover!
She did it as a Personal Project for Young Women.
Papi helped a little but she did a lot of the work herself.
If I should say so myself: It POPS of joy and colors!

Jan 13, 2010


I am a little disappointed... I went back yesterday to see if they needed me to sit on a trial. Again we waited all morning and were sent home. I guess the case was settled out of court. I was sad not to even go in the court room and see how they select jurors... Maybe another time.

Je suis un peu decue... Je suis retournee hier pour voir s'ils auraient besoin de moi comme jury. Encore, nous avons attendu tout le matin pour etre renvoyer chez nous. J'imagine que le cas a ete resollu entre les parties. J'etais triste de n'avoir meme pas vu la salle de jury, et d'observer comment le jury est selectionne... Peut-etre une autre foi.

Jan 11, 2010

Jury Duty Summon

I've been summon to Jury duty. Since I became an American citizen, I knew it was coming! I went to the courthouse this morning, to be sent home after waiting for 4 hours in a room full of random people. I was a little disappointed because I am curious to see the process, whether I am picked or not. It would be hard for me to serve this week for Mike is going to Huston for work until Friday. I need to call tonight to see when they need us back in.

J'ai ete selectionne pour apparaitre en tancomme jure. Depuis que je suis devenue une Americaine en 2003, je savais que cela allait arriver eventuellement. Je suis allee au tribunal ce matin, pour etre renvoyee chez moi, apres avoire attendu pendant 4 heures dans une piece pleine de gens a random. J'etais un peu decue car je cela m'interesse de voir comment les jures sont selectionne. Je dois rappeler ce soir pour voir si je dois retourner demain.

Jan 8, 2010

New Yoga class

I'm so excited! My favorite yoga teacher is having her own yoga class. It is a lot cheaper ($4 for over an hour) than when she was teaching at the Mason community center, and it is closer to my house! I only took it for one session a year ago.We are meeting 3 times a week; Monday's, Wed and Friday mornings. I was having a hard time sticking to my routine since I had family here. Now, I just need to get into a cardio routine. I did so well this summer and fall... I ran all the way up till the end of November.. But it is too cold now. My goal is to do cardio twice a week.

Jan 7, 2010

Snow Day

Today was the 2d snow day this week. The kids were home from school. I made some yummy crepes for lunch. I so love French food! I had a few too many. Mike took the kids sledding with the neighbors.
It was so nice to stay home all day! I didn't go out at all! I would have stayed in my PJ"s all day if Mike had not invited the missionaries to dinner tonight! We had some hearty beef stroganoff, mashed potatoes with a veggie medley. What great food on a wintry cold day.
It looks like tomorrow will be another snow day. I might go and take a few pictures outside.

Aujourd'hui, nous avons eu le deuxieme "snow day" de cette semaine. Les enfants n'ont pas eux d'ecole. J'ai fait des bonnes crepes a midi. Oh que j'aime la bouf francaise! J'en ai manger un peu  trop! Mike a emmener les enfans faire de la luge avec les voisins.
C'etait super de rester a la maison toute la journee. Je serais restee en pyjama si Mike n'avait pas inviter les missionnaire a dinner ce soire. Nous avons manger un bon beuf stroganoff, de la puree et un arsortissement de legumes. C'etait bien bon pour un jour d'hiver si froid...
On dirait que demain sera rebellotte. J'irais peut etre dehors pour prendre quelques photos.