May 19, 2011

Return of "the-poor-little-squirrel-who-might-get-lucky"

The screams are from seeing Chloe (who looks like a devil dog) throw him in the air

I'm afraid that this little guy is not going to get lucky; with a fast dignified death.
I think he came back for a second chance at being put out of his misery.
Us girls tried to finish him but we took too long. 
He left probably thinking we were useless!
My daddy would have done the right thing,
by sending him very quickly to squirrel paradise ...
Emric, the only boy here, was still trying to make him feel better
 by throwing at him almonds and cut-up apples.
Somehow he thinks that having a full belly will make his prolonged death better?
PS: This morning, I asked Mike if he's started having nightmares, 
of injured squirrels hunting him yet?

J'ai bien peur que ce petit gas ne va pas avoir la chance 
de recevoir une mort digne et rapide.
Je pense qu'il est revenu pour une autre chance a etre terminer rapidement en toute dignite.
Nous, les filles, on a essaye... sans succes.
Il est partis en pensant que nous etions une bande de filles incompetantes.
Mon Pere aurai fait la chose suivante gentille:  l'envoyer au paradis des ecureuils.
Emric, le seul garcon qui etait la, a essaye de le nourir en lui lancant 
des amandes et des bouts de pommes.
Comme si le fait de lui remplir le ventre rendra sa mort plus agreable?
PS: Ce matin, j'ai demander a Mike s'il n'a pas ete tourmante par des ecureils 
pendant sa nuit?

May 18, 2011

Little girls wanting to grow up too fast...

Yep, you are seeing right! 
Before Church, Amelie thought it a good idea to stuff her dress with toilet paper...
Oh, and she was ready to walk out the door like that too!
But who of us girls haven't done that sometime in our growing up years? 
(I found these photos on my phone. I find some interesting stuff on that phone!)

Oui, vous voyez bien clair!
Avant l'eglise, Amelie a penser une bonne idee, de s'embourer de papier a toillette...
Oh, et elle etait prete a sortir comme cela!
Mais qui de nous filles, n'avons pas fais cela en grandissent?
(j'ai trouve ces photos sur mon telephone. Je touve des choses bien interessantes sur ce telephone)

The Poor Little Squirrel... He might get lucky!

As we were having dinner on our porch, a real life drama happened right in our back yard!
It was meant to happen someday...
All those cheeky squirrels constantly teasing Chloe!
Well not this one anymore... She caught him and broke it's back!
I just wanted Mike to put him out of his misery by snapping it's neck.
But he just couldn't do it...
Hopefully a more compassionate cat got to him quickly during the night...
Or he might still be suffering right underneath our bedroom windows...

En mangeant hier soir sur notre patio, un vrait drama s'est developper dans notre jardin.
Cella allait arriver un jour ou l'autre.
Tous ces ecureuils qui taquine eet tourmente chloe constament.
Et bien plus pour celui-ci... Elle l'a attraper et casser son dos.
Je voulais simplement que Mike le finisse pour qu'il n'ai pas a souffrir...
Mais Mike n'a pas pu.
J'espere qu'un chat avec plus de compassion l'a fini pendant la nuit.
Ou peut-etre qu'il souffre toujours sous nos fenetres...

New Swim team...

Las Saturday, was Amelie's 1st swim meet here in Texas.
She had to report at the pool at 7:15 am!
Talk about early!
She did really good.
She got second in 3 of her events and third in Butterfly.
She loves going after school to swim practice.
But boy, is she just a tad cranky and tired at night...
Did I ever mention that her school bus picks her up at 7:30am!
I hate it!
I'm ready (sort of) for school to be out.
The team is twice the size of her Cincinnati team was.

Samedi dernier, Amelie a eu sa premiere competition de natation ici au Texas.
Elle a du etre a la piscine a 7 heure du matin!
Et ca, c'est tot!
Elle a bien fait. 
Elle a fini 2eme, dans 3 de ses courses, et 3eme en papillon.
 Elle adore aller a la piscine apres l'ecole...
Mais comme elle est fatiguee et de mauvaise humeur le soir.
Est-ce que j'ai mentionne que son bus vient a 7:30 du matin!
C'est horrible!
Je suis prete pour que l'ecole soit finie.

May 8, 2011

Mothers day thoughts

Today was a good day. 
I love my family.
We are far from perfect.
But we are a family and care about each other deep down inside.
Even though some of us often sometimes fight like cat and dog.
Talking about cat and dog, Tiny still barely tolerates Chloe!
Today, I wish Alexi was with us. 
I was happy to get a happy-mother's-day-call from him.
It's good to know our kids think of us just a little, after they have left the nest...

Aujourd'hui etait un bon jour.
J'aime ma famille.
On est loin d'etre parfait.
Mais on prend soins des un des autres.
Meme si souvent des fois se battent come chien et chat.
Au fait, parlant de chien et chat, Tiny tolere a peine Chloe!
Aujourd'hui, j'aurais aime qu'Alexi soit avec nous.
J'etais contente de recevoir un appel de Joyeuse-fete-des-mere de lui.
C'est bon de savoir que nos enfants pense a nous quand meme un peu, 
apres qu'ils ne sont plus avec nous...

May 7, 2011


All pictures I have been posting are from my cell phone. 
These somehow turned out dreamy and fairytale-like

     So this is where I walk everyday! How can I not Love it!
 I feel like I live back in France. 
There, I would take long walks with my dog in the country around our village. 
I especially loved going in the woods... 
This week I found some wild blackberries and have been eating a handful every day!

May 4, 2011

For My Man!!!!

HaPpY BiRthDaY
Thanks for Loving us...