May 18, 2011

New Swim team...

Las Saturday, was Amelie's 1st swim meet here in Texas.
She had to report at the pool at 7:15 am!
Talk about early!
She did really good.
She got second in 3 of her events and third in Butterfly.
She loves going after school to swim practice.
But boy, is she just a tad cranky and tired at night...
Did I ever mention that her school bus picks her up at 7:30am!
I hate it!
I'm ready (sort of) for school to be out.
The team is twice the size of her Cincinnati team was.

Samedi dernier, Amelie a eu sa premiere competition de natation ici au Texas.
Elle a du etre a la piscine a 7 heure du matin!
Et ca, c'est tot!
Elle a bien fait. 
Elle a fini 2eme, dans 3 de ses courses, et 3eme en papillon.
 Elle adore aller a la piscine apres l'ecole...
Mais comme elle est fatiguee et de mauvaise humeur le soir.
Est-ce que j'ai mentionne que son bus vient a 7:30 du matin!
C'est horrible!
Je suis prete pour que l'ecole soit finie.

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