Apr 29, 2010

A Job for Chloe!!!

Some dog experts say that every dog needs a job to feel good about themselves. Chloe needs a job. After all, we all have jobs in our family.
After searching on the net for ideas of jobs for dogs, and not finding very many, especially for a young puppy, one came to me this morning. It is so perfect! Since Chloe is teething, (poor thing...) and needs things to chew, and I need to get rid of the boxes Mike tries to keep around the house as storage containers, it's a perfect match!
I give the dog the box.
It gets destroyed.
Chloe soothes her teeth and gums.
She leaves our shoes alone.
I won't have to buy new shoes.
I don't have to smash any more ugly boxes with my feet.
Mike gets to use all the nice storage containers he has bought.
And it saves money, you know the less shoes thing...
Des specialistes en chien disent que tout les chiens doivent avoir un boulot pour bien se sentir.
Chloe a besoin d'un boulot. Apres tout, chaque membre de la famille en a.
Apres avoir regarder sur le net pour des idees, et ne pas en avoir trouve beaucoup, surtout pour un chiot, un boulot m'est venu ce matin. C'est parfait! Comme Chloe se fait les dents, (la pauvre...) et a besoin de macher, et moi, j'ai besoin de me debarrasser des boites en carton que Mike essay de garder comme récipients de stockage, c'est parfait!
Je donne le carton a Chloe.
La boite est detruite.
Chloe apaise ses dents et gencives.
Elle laisse nos chaussures intact.
J'ai pas besoin d'acheter plus de chaussures
J'ai plus besoin de detruire ces boites moches avec mes pieds.
Mike peux utiliser tous les beaux, efficace récipients de stockage qu'il a achete.
Et on economise...

For a good laugh, go to Jobs for Dogs
written by a Harvard college med student I think...

Apr 26, 2010

Questions on a Rainy Monday Morning...

Sometimes, I do not like Monday mornings...
Today, is one of those mornings!
I have so many random questions...

It's been a month since we bought a new
faucet for our kitchen sink.
Still in the box in our dinning room...
Should I call "rent a husband" ?

In the dinning room, Chloe finished chewing on the decorative sticks Zorro had started on!
Why can't puppies chew their own stuff?
Why is Chloe so soft, adorable and cuddly?

In the office, Chloe riped up one of her red balls, it's all over the floor! She also leaves her toys laying around...
Can you train a dog to clean up after itself ?

My Desk is a fine mess...
Could somebody, anybody,
clean up after me once in a while?

The iron is out on the kitchen counter reminding me
I haven't ironed in over 2 months!
Isn't there a ironing fairy?
Why can't everything be wrinkle free?

I still need to finish my laundry from last week..
Why do people have to wear so many clothes?

Looks like we had a party all night in the kitchen!
When will kids do their chores when and how I want them to?

And why do they have to eat all the time?
Will they stop eating if I stop buying food?
What am I going to make for dinner?

Why do little girls make such big messes?
Why is little girl's art so darn cute?

Even my bed is a mess, my mess!
Can't I just stay in bed on this rainy cold Monday?
Why does the house look like a war zone on Monday mornings?
Why am I the only one who cares?

The kids will be home soon... since it's the afternoon now.
I'll just wait and hopefully get answers to some of my questions, maybe they'll know?
Then again, maybe I'll just go finish that laundry...
I could go take a shower too... Or maybe not today...

Apr 25, 2010

The Five doors to reaching your greatest Potential

While on a book tour in Cincinnati, the New York Times Best Selling Author Richard Paul Evans, came to our Ward building for a fireside last Sunday night. It was a very inspiring talk. I just wanted to recap the few points he made, I wish I could write down all the personal experiences he shared for each point, but I didn't take notes on those. They made him the success he is today and helped him come to understand these five doors to success...

He started by stating that we are all "special". We are somebody, and all have special gifts.

1. There is a reason why you are here. We all have a mission to fulfill. We need to learn to listen to that still small voice inside of us that will lead is to find and accomplish that mission. Keep the communication with the Divine open. We are all divine...

2. Release the bonds that hold you back. Forgive others and self.

3. Take risks. Do something with your special gifts. Don't be afrad to fail. You will fail. Think trial and error! If you have a dream, go for it!

4. When you hit road blocks, challenges, adversity, an you will, embrace them! Good grapes grow in poor soils... He spoke about his health condition "Tourette Syndrome" and how it made him who he is. We are who we are not despite our trials or trouble, but because of them.

5. In the end, the only real success is the ability to Love.
Love is not a feeling, it s a choice!
The hardest times to love will be to love the unlovable.
We love those we serve.
God Loves us just for being us.

Apr 19, 2010

Get off the roads!!!!

Last week, Justine got her Temporary Licence... Let me tell you, I am quite happy to have her drive with Mike! Got in the car with her for 5mn and that was plenty for me! It's a good thing my car is a stick shift, and she is definitely not ready for that, and neither am I!

La semaine derniere, Justine a recu son permis de conduite accompagnee. En tout cas, je prefere qu'elle fasse la conduite avec Mike! J'etais avec elle pendant 5mn, et cela m'a suffi! C'est bien que ma voiture ne soit pas une automatique, elle n'est pas prete pour cela... et moi non plus!

Apr 4, 2010


Could it be the Easter Bunny?