May 31, 2007

A great summer ahead!

I am so exited, we are leaving for Florida today and from there, I will be going with Justine, on a big jet plane to England for a week to visit my sister in law and family. On the 18th, France here we come! We will be with my Family, eat the best food in the world, and take lots of pictures, without forgetting a little shopping; my goal is to only buy 2 paires of shoes, and a couple of things here and there, you know, souvenirs :) I might post or might not, but will be home for some heavy blogging at the end of July, after I disinfect the house that is:) Mike will be left home with his mom, the boys, and Amelie! Good luck! Enjoy the summer!

Je suis super contente! Nous partons aujourd'hui pour la Floride, et de la, Justine et moi partons pour l'Angleterre pour une semaine. On va rester avec la soeur a Mike et sa famille. Le 18 juin, France, nous voila! Nous serons avec ma famille, la ou il y a la meilleur bouf du monde, et je vais prendre plain de photos! Sans oublier un peu de shopping... que 2 paires de chaussures, et queques souvenirs ici est la, biensur! :) Si je peux poster je le ferait. Je serait rentree fin juillet pour plein de nouveaux posts, apres avoire desinfecte la maison! :) Mike sera a la maison avec les garcons, Amelie et sa maman! Bonne chance! Passe un bon ete!

May 27, 2007

New Roses

I planted a few weeks ago my first rose bushes ever! I got 3 Knock out roses, they are supposed to be care free and very resistant! Just what I need, less work for me! Yesterday, I walked by them and for the first time could smell their wonderful fragrance, without sticking my nose in them! I will be able to enjoy them from spring to the first frost... What joy for my senses of smell and vision.

Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai plante mes premiers rosiers! Cette variete n'ont pas besoin de beaucoup de soins. C'est comme cela que ca me plait! Moin de travaille pour moi! Hier, en passant a coter, j'ai eu le bonheur de sentir leur fragrance pour la premiere fois, sans metre mon nez dedans! Je vais pouvoir les apprecier du printemps, jusqu'a la premiere gellee...

May 26, 2007

Road trip...

To thank my Dad for all the work he did for us, I took him on a little road trip to Navoo and Carthage Illinois. We stayed with some friends in Fort Madison, who live on a little ranch, with 4 horses, 3 dogs, chickens and ducks! We had a great time!

Pour remercier Papa pour tout ce qu'il a fait pour nous, je l'ai emmener pour un petit voyage a Navoo et Carthage Illinoi. Nous sommes restes avec des amis pour 2 nuits a cote a Fort Maddisson. Ils vivent sur un petit ranch avec 4 chevaux, 3 chiens, des poules, et des canards. Nous avons passer des bons moments...
Around the fire place, inside a house in the old village

Collage of details inside Liberty Jail

May 25, 2007

Receiving her certificate!

and waiting...
It's my turn!
Smiles for the camera!

The last school activity

What a treat! Amelie's last school project was done with dad!
Quelle chance, la derniere activite scolaire a ete faite avec papa!

I like it in color too!

Daddy's glory!

As soon as Amelie saw her daddy, she ran to him! She was so exited to see him in her preschool. Mike thrives on those moments of daddy glory from his little girl... She is the only one of our kids that still does that!

Des qu'Amelie a vu son papa, elle lui a couru au coup! Elle etait si contente de le voire dans son ecole. Mike vie pour ces instants de bohneur... C'est la seule qui fait toujours cela de nos enfants.

May 24, 2007


I don't have a lot of pictures of Alexi. Rarely does He let me take any! So I thought I would post this one, I like it. He didn't know I was taking it! :)
Je n'ai pas beaucoup de photos d'Alexi. C'est rare qu'il me laisse en prendre! Donc j'ai pense poster celle ci, je l'aime bien. Il ne savait pas que je la prennait! :)

New Dresses

J'ai acheter 2 petites robes que j'adore! Cela faisait longtemps que je n'en avait pas achete, Je met plutot beaucoup de jupes. La kaki je l'ai eu chez H&M a Toeledo en attendant Mike. :)

I bought a couple of little dresses that I love! It's been a while since I have bought one, I usually ware skirts! I got the kaki one at H&M in toeldo while waiting for Mike. :)
I got the kaki one at H&M in Toeldo while waitng for Mike. :)


Mike and I a few week-ends ago got to get away for a few days. We left Papi with the kids, Mike had some meetings in the north of Ohio. We spent a night in Toledo where I did some shopping while waiting for Mike. And one night on a little Island named Put-in-bay.

Mike et moi on pu passer un peu de temps ensemble il y a quelques week-end. Nous avons laisser Papi avec les enfants, Mike avait des reunion pour le travail au nord de l'Ohio. Nous avons passer une nuit a Toledo ou j'ai passer le temps a faire du chopping en attendant Mike :) Et une autre nuit sur une petite ile: Put-in-Bay.

There was a lot of little bars on the island. We spent the evening in this one where there was a live band playing. We had some barbeque chicken in the street and watched people dance and the band perform, they were quite good. I love people watching...
Il y avait pleind de petits bar sur l'ile. Nous avons manger du poulet barbeque et on a passer la soiree dans celui-ci a regarder les gens danser et un groupe qui faisait la music, ils etaient pas mauvais. J'aime bien regarder les gens.

May 20, 2007

Remember Amelie's shoe dilemma?

Well, today she came to church with Mike wearing no shoes! It must be that summer dress, she was wearing the same one that she wore with boots! Her teacher and I had a good laugh!

Vous vous souvenez du dilemme avec les chaussures d'Amelie et Mike? Ben aujourd'hui, elle est arrivee a l'eglise pied nu, et oui qui a besoin de chaussures? Cela doit etre la robe d'ete qu'elle a mis, c'etait la meme que quand elle est venue avec des bottes! Sa maitraisse et moi avons bien rigoler!

May 18, 2007

A few changes

Dad fixed the rotting wood around our front door and painted it . The door used to be dark green.
Papa a repare le bois foutu autour de notre porte d'entree et a tout paint, la porte etait un vert sombre.

Il a fait quelques brocoles pour justine avec ses meubles et on a enlever les portes de son placard car elles se blockaient tout le temps, et on a mis des rideaux a la place.
He did a few things for Justine with her furniture and took out the doors of her closet that would always get stuck! We put curtains instead.
He sanded and revarnished our hardwood floors and the stool chairs.
Il a ponse et reverni notre parquet et les chaises hautes de la cuisine.

Il m'a mis de la frisette dans notre bureau. Mike et moi avons fait la peinture. Les murs avant etaient un bleu de bebe et en bas il y avait du papier bleu foncer. C'etait la derniere piece en bas qui avait ete faite par les proprietaires avant nous.
He put some beadboard in our office. Mike and I did the painting. The walls used to be baby blue and on the bottom their was dark blue wallpaper! This is the last room to be redone on this floor that was done by the previous owners.


Here is my Dad. He is 73 years old and still working! I kinda love this picture of him, that is how I know him! Always serving us. He can rarely say no to his kids. My wish is his command; when it comes to anything that has to do with the house or the yard. If he has the time he gets it done! It is so nice to have him around for a few weeks, everything that needs fixing gets fixed! I feel bad cause he did work a lot! I told him he didn't have to do it all, but he still worked until the last day he was here! Thank you Dad...

Voici mon papa. J'aime bien cette photo de lui, car c'est "lui". Il a 73 ans et il travaille toujours!Toujours a notre service. Il a du mal a dire non a ses enfants. Mon souhait est son ordre: pour tout ce qu'il y a dans la maison et le jardin. S'il a le temps: il le fait. C'etait bien de l'avoire avec nous pour quelques semaines, toutes les petites reparations ont ete reparees! Je ne voulait pas le faire travailler tant! Mais il a quand meme tout fait et a travailler jusqu'au dernier jour qu'il etait ici! Merci Papa...

May 13, 2007

The truth about Mothers day!

Where on earth did I get the idea that "Mother's Day" should be a day where I shouldn't have to do a thing, where the kids do their chores, they are suddenly best friends, they have been planning for days this amazing tribute to mom, (with a little help from dad, of course)! The house is clean, love and gratitude abound. Gourmet meals are cooked by someone other than mom. Isn't this how "Mother's Day" is supposed to be? Isn't that what we deserve?

Well the truth is, the day usually doesn't go as I imagine it, and then I have tendency to sink into feelings of frustration and even despair! I have, on some mothers days, wanted to run away or lock myself in my bedroom (I have actually done both!) But I have learned to savor the little moments that come unexpected and in small doses throughout the day.

This Mothers day, Mike went to help a friend who called that morning, from noon till 6pm. The kids were still kids, some chores were done, some were not. But I got a coulpe of gifts from Emric and Amelie, along with some "I love yous", hugs and kisses. Justine made me breakfast, Alexi helped and was willing to cook dinner. At church the men told the women to gather in the culture hall, where a table was adorned with all kinds of deserts and fruits, and we were given a rose! A friend invited us all over to Dinner when she learned Mike was gone... And most of all, even though I experienced some feelings of frustration and discouragement throughout the day, I also felt gratitude, joy and was glad for the gift that I was given to be a mother, to have an amazing husband that is kind, unselfish and loving, and for 4 healthy kids that are each in their own special way great little people... And I felt truly blessed to have them in my life.

Can't wait to see my family in France!

May 12, 2007


I go regularly to the website of Eduardo called Truthteller. I love what he has to say, his insights, and thoughts about living a more fulfilled and abundant life. He asked for my permission to use some of my photos from my blog "My favorite amateur photos". I feel honored to have a little part in his blog! What he said is so kind and his words are inspiring and encouraging! I love photography and am pleased that some feel inspired by my creativity, it is a secret desire of mine:) But I have to give the credit to a greater inspiration: the Creator of this awesome Earth, the source of all beauty, goodness, gifts, and life.

Je vais regulierement sur le site d'Eduardo "Truthteller". J'aime ce qu'il a a dire, ses pensees, et commentaires sur une vie plus abondante et heureuse. Il m'a demande s'il pouvait utiliser quelques photos de mon site "My favorite amateur photos" pour son blog. Je suis tres honoree d'avoire une petite part dans son blog. Ce qu'il a ecrit est trop gentil est ses mots m'inspire et son encouragent! J'aime la photographie et je cela me touche quand ma creativite inspire un peu les autres, c'est un peu mon desire secret :) Mais je donne le credit a une plus grande inspiration: Le Creatueur de ce monde magnifique, la source de toute beaute, talents, bontee et vie.

This is a link to what he wrote. Voici le link de ce qu'il a ecrit sur son site:

Pictures that inspire

Thank you Eduardo!

May 11, 2007

Petites gourmandises...

Papa m'a rammene quelques gourmandises pour me preparer avant que je ne vienne en France et que je puisse manger tout ce que je veux et tout ce qui est bon! Quand je reviens aux USA, tout m'a l'aire moins bon et blah...

My Dad brought me some treats from France to prepare me for when a actually get to go and eat all that I want and all that is good! I love french food! When I come back to the USA, everything seems second class!

A place of their own...

Pendant que l'on etait a Atlanta, souvent les grands enfants disparaissaient... On les a trouver finalement, sous la maison qui jouaient le jeux Zarahemla! Je pourais penser a des endroits plus confortale mais pas plus amusant pour eux!

While in Atlanta during spring break, often the big kids would disappear... We finally found them under the house in the crawl space playing the game Zarahemla! I could think of some more comfy places but not as fun a this for them!