Sep 20, 2007

20 years

Mike and I went to Salt Lake this past week-end for a few days. We attended Mike's 20th year High school reunion. Here are His friends from his wrestling team that were able to attend. There was a picture of them that year that I was able to take a picture of. How time flies!

Mike et moi sommes aller a Salt Lake City ce week-end pour quelques jours. Nous sommes aller a la 20eme annee reunion de son lycee. Voici une photo que j'ai prise d'une vieille photo de son equipe de lutte ses copins qui on pu venir a la reunion. Que le temps passe vite!


nat said...

Mike n'a pas tellement changé, on le reconnait bien .

Sandrine said...

Oui, j'atend le jour ou il va grandir! :)