Feb 21, 2012

Amelie is 9

Amelie turned 9 today!  Happy day!
I just can't believe that next year my baby will be 10! 
Time just flies by so fast!

Here are a few pictures from her B-Day party we did on Saturday
Agenda of the day:
Cupcake (and lip) decorating 
Board games
Cooking their own pizzas with Chef Dad 
Just Dance 3 Wii
Movie: Treasure Buddies
Caramel Pop Corn (made by Justine) so yummy and addictive
Without forgetting lots of girly fun, giggles, screams and friendship!

Amelie a 9 aujourd'hui! Happy day!
J'arrive pas a croire que mon bebe va avoir 10ans l'an prochain! 
Le temps passe si vite!!

Voici quelques photos de sa party Samedi dernier.
L'agenda du jour:
Decoration de Cupcake (et lèvre) 
Faire sa propre pizza avec Chef Papa 
Just Dance 3 Wii
Film: Treasure Buddies
Caramel Pop Corn (Fait par Justine) si bon que l'on ne peux pas s'arrêter d'en manger!!
Sans ne pas oublie plein de rigolades, de cris, d'amusement et d'amitié

Feb 14, 2012

Happy Valentines day!

*********         *********
What a beautiful Valentine's day
I love Sunshine after the rain
I love my Great Redeemer
I love my daily walks 
I love  my  family
I love  my  man
I love my life

***********         ***********
Quel belle journée de la Saint Valentin
J'aime le soleil chaud apres la pluie
J'aime mes longues promenades
J'aime mon Rédempteur
J'aime  ma  famille
J'aime mon homme
J'aime ma vie

Amelie what did you do?

While I was making a nice Valentine's dinner for Mike today,
Amelie decided to transforme Chloe's big whole she dug into a little pond!
She got the hose and put tones of water in it until I noticed what she was doing!!!
She was planning on getting into her swimsuit to play in it!!!
Me: "You are not a pig!"
Amelie: "I'm not a pig, I'm a dog!"
I had planted a beautiful hot pink oleander in that spot...
Chloe killed it within a couple of months!
I'm telling you, those 2 are 2 peas in a pot!
One has more energy and mischief than the other, can you guess who?

Feb 13, 2012

Chloe what did you do?

 Chloe spent her Sunday over at Jackie's her doggy-girl-friend.
 Today she is exhausted! 
She got out of bed at 10:30am, went potty, 
ate her food and got back to bed until 11:30am! 
She didn't follow me throughout the house like she normally does. 
(She likes to be on the same floor as me! yep, she loves me!) 
During my yoga practice she got her energy back and started bringing her toys to me.
 Not recommended for a relaxing yoga session having stuffed-smelly-dog-toys being dropped on your face!!!! 
Or a dog laying on your mat as soon as you stand up!
Anyhow, since it was raining all morning she didn't get out for her usual hour run. 
So when I got back from running errands, she was at the back door looking like this!
Obviously looking quite guilty!
Chloe a passé son dimanche chez Jackie sa chienne-copine.
Aujourd'hui elle est crevée!
Elle est sortie du lit a 10:30, est allé faire pipi, a mangé, 
puis c'est recouchée jusqu'à 11h30.
Elle ne m'a pas suivit partout dans la maison comme d'habitude.
(Elle aime être sur le meme etage que moi.)
Pendant ma seance de yoga elle m'emmenait ses joues de chien.
Ce n'est pas recommandé pour une session relaxante de yoga d'avoir 
des joues de chien qui vous tombe sur le visage...
Ou un chien qui s'allonge sur le matt!
Bref, comme il a plu toute la matinee elle n'est pas sortie comme d'habitude.
Apres avoir fait des courses, voila dans quel état je l'ai retrouvée;
avec une tete de coupable!

Feb 10, 2012

Pre Happy Valentines

Thought I would send Mike a little love email at work today :)
Sandrine Nakata wroteOn Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 10:21 AM,


Just a little note to let you know how much I appreciate you.
Thank you for working so hard for our family. 
Thank you for loving me unconditionaly.

I love you!
Yours forever

Tejam toi


Mike replied:
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: <3
cool fonts, your welcome, I love you too! Hopefully coming home soon! 

Me Thought:
Wow! Isn't he the romantic one... "cool fonts"??? LOL

Feb 3, 2012

Emergency room!!!

It was meant to happen sometimes!
I got the dreaded call at 10:30pm.
"I think I got hurt"
Mike hurt his knee playing Basketball with young guys.
He was able to drive himself to St Luke's emergency room.
Justine and I met him there with food, a pillow, meds and an ice pack.
At 2:30am I went home with his car.
(Hey! One of us had to be awake to put Amelie on the bus in the morning.)
Justine stayed with him until 4:30ich am to drive him home.
That girl is incredible in times of crisis! She always amazes me!
She actually has her daddy's bad leg resting on her leg so he is more comfortable.
He might have a sprained knee or torn ligament.
A MRI test and time will tell the degree of injury.. .

Je m'y attendais un jour ou l'autre!
J'ai reçu le coup de fil redouté a 10:30 du soir.
"je croix que je me suis fait mal!
Mike a abime son genoux en jouant au basket avec des jeunes.
Il a pu se conduire aux urgences de St Luke.
Justine et moi l'on rejoins avec a manger, un oreiller, medicament et un pack de glace.
A 2:30 je suis rentree avec sa voiture. 
(Un de nous deux devait se reveille au petit matin pour mètre Amelie sur le bus.)
Justine est restée avec lui jusqu'à environ 4:30 du matin!
Cette fille est incroyable en temps de crise. Elle m'étonne toujours!
Elle a sa jambe sous celle de son papa pour qu'il soit plus confortable!
Le temps et plus de test nous dirons la gravite de sa blessure.