Jun 28, 2011

Emric has gone trekking...

Emric just left to go on a Pioneer Trek to Oklahoma. 
3 buses full of youth from 14 to 18, Ma's and Pa's, trail hands, cooks and so forth,
are on their way to Sooner Cattle Ranch
They will be back next Saturday morning. I'm so exited for Emric! 
It is a neat and unforgettable experience. 
Justine, Mike and I did it last year.
Mike and I were Ma and Pa.
We had 11 kids in our Trek Family.
It really was hard, hot, and awesome!

This trek has it's own-updated-frequently-blog:
(that I will be checking every 5mn so often)
Emric vient just de partir pour un Trek Pionnier en Oklahoma.
3 bus plein de jeunes de 14 a 18 ans, de Ma's et Pa's, de cuisiniers et d'aide de sentier... etc,
sont partis ce matin pour Sooner Cattle Ranch.
Ils reviendront Samedi matin. Je suis contente pour Emric!
C'est une experience inoubliable et unique.
Justine, Mike et moi, y sommes alles l'annee derniere au Kentuky.
Mike et moi etions Ma et Pa.
On avait 11 gosses dans notre famille de trek.
C'etait dure, chaud et genial.

Ce trek a sont propre-mise-a-jour-frequement-blog:
(que je vais toutes les 5mn souvent visiter)

(Click on colored words for links)

Jun 21, 2011

A few of 'those days'

This past week-end, we battled lice
Yuck!!!!! Amelie's 1st time, and hopefully the last!!!
Apparently it is pre-levent in Texas.

Yesterday, a plate, a glass and a vase were broken.

Today, Mike had a car accident (minor no injuries) but his fault.

2 hours later, in Ohio, Justine had a car accident with ticket but no injuries.
(We are afraid our insurance is going to go way up!)

Tonight, Alexi was taken to the emergency room. 
He is not doing so good...
He has been sick with an autoimmune disease for a year now...
He will be trying his 4th medication.
Nothing is working.
I feel bad I can't be there for him.

Tomorrow, I want to drive up to Ohio.
But I should wait for the week-end,
so Mike can help me drive the long 17 hours to Cincinnati.

Jun 15, 2011

Tubbing and Boating on Lake Conroe

We had a lot of Fun this past week on our boating trip as the Beehive class. 
I even got on the tube!!!! It was great!

Jun 6, 2011

What's that Stink?

For the last few days, there has been a bad smell in the house. 
I checked the pantry and found a rotten onion. 
After Church, as I walked in the house, that something-is-dead-smell was still in the air... 
After dinner, Mike had the thought to look up in the attic. 
(A week ago, a guy came to spray the perimeters for bugs, around the house and inside. 
He also put a couple of traps in the attic. )
Sure enough, a HUGE RAT was dead in one of the traps.
I guess texas has big bugs and big rats! 
So gross! 
Mike buried it in the woods next to our house. 

Ces dernier jours, il y avait une odeur super mauvaise dans la maison.
J'ai trouver dans notre placard un onion pourri.
Apres l'eglise, l'odeur il-y-a-quelque-chose-qui-est-mort etait toujours dans l'air.
Apres le dinner, Mike a eu la pensee de regarder dans le grenier.
(La semaine derniere, un gas est venu pour traiter les allentours de la maison et l'interieur, 
pour les petites bestioles. Il a aussi mis 2 pieges pour les betes plus grosses dans le grenier.)
En effet, un GROS RAT etait mort dans un des pieges!
Mike l'a enterrer dans les bois pres de chez nous.

Jun 2, 2011

Road Trip on Memorial Day

Since Mike had a day off, we had to get on the road. 
We decided to go explore some of the Texan beaches.  
We drove to Freeport (not nice at all, hated it!)
We stopped at Surfside Beach (about 1h1/2 from Houston). 
Not going there again! I like Galveston beach a whole lot better!
We spent the night in Port Lavaca
There, the beaches are inland, no surf or soft sand. 
We then drove to Port O'Connor, to Rockport, where it started to look a lot nicer.  
From there we took a ferry to go to Port Aransas.
Nice beach, sand and surf!
Looks more like Florida.
It's on Mustang Island that connects to the well known and visited Padre Island
It is a 4 to 5 hour drive from Houston, and well worth the time. 
Unfortunately, we were only there for a few hours before we had to head home... 
Now we know where to go to find nicer beaches.
That's Justine and Amelie in the waves behind Mike...
I can't wait to go back and go further south to Padre Island.