Jun 28, 2011

Emric has gone trekking...

Emric just left to go on a Pioneer Trek to Oklahoma. 
3 buses full of youth from 14 to 18, Ma's and Pa's, trail hands, cooks and so forth,
are on their way to Sooner Cattle Ranch
They will be back next Saturday morning. I'm so exited for Emric! 
It is a neat and unforgettable experience. 
Justine, Mike and I did it last year.
Mike and I were Ma and Pa.
We had 11 kids in our Trek Family.
It really was hard, hot, and awesome!

This trek has it's own-updated-frequently-blog:
(that I will be checking every 5mn so often)
Emric vient just de partir pour un Trek Pionnier en Oklahoma.
3 bus plein de jeunes de 14 a 18 ans, de Ma's et Pa's, de cuisiniers et d'aide de sentier... etc,
sont partis ce matin pour Sooner Cattle Ranch.
Ils reviendront Samedi matin. Je suis contente pour Emric!
C'est une experience inoubliable et unique.
Justine, Mike et moi, y sommes alles l'annee derniere au Kentuky.
Mike et moi etions Ma et Pa.
On avait 11 gosses dans notre famille de trek.
C'etait dure, chaud et genial.

Ce trek a sont propre-mise-a-jour-frequement-blog:
(que je vais toutes les 5mn souvent visiter)

(Click on colored words for links)

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