Nov 27, 2010

Thanksgiving on the beach

On the spur of the moment, we decided around 1:00pm to go to Galveston, we were on the beach before 3pm! It was 80 degrees here. Amelie and Mike were the only ones that took a swimming suit. The rest of us thought the water would be too cold, well we were wrong! But we had a good time anyway... Like most moms, I was just as happy watching the kids have fun. Chloe was quite entertaining herself, she just had a blast!!!
What a great way to spend Thanksgiving, enjoying this beautiful nature God has provided for us.
I am Grateful...

Le jour de Thanksgiving, nous avons decider vers midi d'aller a la mer a Galveston, on etait sur la plage avant 3 heures. Amelie et Mike sont les seul a avoir emmener un mayot de bain. Nous on pensait que l'eau etait trop froide... ben on avait tord! mais on a passer quand meme du bon temps. Comme toute maman, j'etais contente de voir mes enfants s'ammuser. Chloe etais aussi bien interessante a observer, elle etait comme une fofolle!
Quelle bonne facon de passer Thanksgiving, en apreciant la belle nature que Dieu nous a donne...
Je suis reconnaisante...

1st Beach Adventure for Chloe

I didn't get a lot of good shots of Chloe...
She just ran like a mad dog for 2 1/2 hours!

Beach Play



Calling Friends back in Cincinnati!

Holidays are hard when we are far away from friends and family...
We do so miss them...

Beached Dolphin

Not very far away, was a dead dolphin... S0 so sad!

Nov 16, 2010

Finally back together as a family!!

Our new home!

After 5 months of being separated, we are together again... Well not quite, Alexi stayed behind to go to college. He is staying with the Johnson's. He is doing better, after trying a couple of medications for IBD, he has found one that works! I am so happy for him! It has been a hard few months for him.
We were able to close on our house in Cincinnati on November 4th. A week later, we closed on our little town home here in The woodlands Friday the 12th. Both houses were very hard to close, to say the least! But after feeling like we were on a roller coaster, it is all behind us! Now we can move on...
The kids have all started school. Justine is on the diving team, that is up there, they have Olympic medals! Emric got all caught up with his school work after starting 2 weeks late. And Amelie is making new friends fast. Mike has a new calling at church and I am nesting, unpacking, cleaning and exploring The Woodlands...  

Apres avoir ete separe pour 5 mois, nous sommes enfin ensemble a nouveau. Pas tous en fait, car Alexi est rester a Cincinnati pour aller a l'universite. Il va beaucoup mieux. Apres avoir essaye des medicaments different pour Crones, il en a un qui marche bien. Je suis si contente pour lui! Il a passe des mois tres difficiles dernierement.
Nous avons vendu notre maison a Cincinnati le 4 novembre et une semaine apres on a achete notre petite maison ici vendredi le 12 Novembre. Tout le stress de notre demenagement est enfin deriere nous! Cela n'a pas ete facile! Maintenant on peu continuer avec notre vie...
Les enfants sont dans leurs nouvelles ecoles. Justine a fait l'equipe de plongeon, qui est tres renomee (ils ont des plongeurs et entraineurs qui on des medailles olympics). Emric c'est rattraper a l'ecole, il a commencer 2 semaines en retard. Amelie elle se fait plein de nouveaux copins et copines. Mike a deja un apele a l'eglise, et moi, je m'installe dans notre nouvelle maison ( je deballe les cartons, nettoie etc...) et j'explore les Woodlands.