Nov 27, 2010

Thanksgiving on the beach

On the spur of the moment, we decided around 1:00pm to go to Galveston, we were on the beach before 3pm! It was 80 degrees here. Amelie and Mike were the only ones that took a swimming suit. The rest of us thought the water would be too cold, well we were wrong! But we had a good time anyway... Like most moms, I was just as happy watching the kids have fun. Chloe was quite entertaining herself, she just had a blast!!!
What a great way to spend Thanksgiving, enjoying this beautiful nature God has provided for us.
I am Grateful...

Le jour de Thanksgiving, nous avons decider vers midi d'aller a la mer a Galveston, on etait sur la plage avant 3 heures. Amelie et Mike sont les seul a avoir emmener un mayot de bain. Nous on pensait que l'eau etait trop froide... ben on avait tord! mais on a passer quand meme du bon temps. Comme toute maman, j'etais contente de voir mes enfants s'ammuser. Chloe etais aussi bien interessante a observer, elle etait comme une fofolle!
Quelle bonne facon de passer Thanksgiving, en apreciant la belle nature que Dieu nous a donne...
Je suis reconnaisante...

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