So yesterday I went to "Time out for women" with some girl friends. I had a wonderful time! It was so good! The speakers were very inspiring, each had something that stirred my soul. One of the reasons I went though, was to meet on of my favorite LDS artist Hilary Weeks. I was not disappointed. She is great, just as I imagined she would be! I discovered last night that she has started a blog, so I am putting it in my little list of blogs I visit. You can truly feel she believes in what she sings, she is also so cute and funny!
It was so good to be in great company, be lifted by wonderful talks, and enjoy excellent music.
Overall a day well spent!
Alors, hier je suis allee avec mes amies a "Time out for Women". C'etait super! Les orateurs etaient tous bien, chaqu'un a touche mon coeur. Mais une des raison que j'y suis allee etait pour voire Hilary Week une de mes chanteuse preferee. Je n'etais pas decue! Elle est super! Just come je l'imaginais. J'ai decouvert hier qu'elle a commence un blog. Je l'ajoute sur ma petite liste de site que je visite. J'ai vraiement ressentis qu'elle croix en ce qu'elle chante. Elle est mimi et marante! C'etait super d'etre en bonne companie, d'ecouter des supers discours et d'avoire ete inspire par de la belle music. Une journee bien passee quoi!

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