May 18, 2007


Here is my Dad. He is 73 years old and still working! I kinda love this picture of him, that is how I know him! Always serving us. He can rarely say no to his kids. My wish is his command; when it comes to anything that has to do with the house or the yard. If he has the time he gets it done! It is so nice to have him around for a few weeks, everything that needs fixing gets fixed! I feel bad cause he did work a lot! I told him he didn't have to do it all, but he still worked until the last day he was here! Thank you Dad...

Voici mon papa. J'aime bien cette photo de lui, car c'est "lui". Il a 73 ans et il travaille toujours!Toujours a notre service. Il a du mal a dire non a ses enfants. Mon souhait est son ordre: pour tout ce qu'il y a dans la maison et le jardin. S'il a le temps: il le fait. C'etait bien de l'avoire avec nous pour quelques semaines, toutes les petites reparations ont ete reparees! Je ne voulait pas le faire travailler tant! Mais il a quand meme tout fait et a travailler jusqu'au dernier jour qu'il etait ici! Merci Papa...

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