I planted a few weeks ago my first rose bushes ever! I got 3 Knock out roses, they are supposed to be care free and very resistant! Just what I need, less work for me! Yesterday, I walked by them and for the first time could smell their wonderful fragrance, without sticking my nose in them! I will be able to enjoy them from spring to the first frost... What joy for my senses of smell and vision.
Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai plante mes premiers rosiers! Cette variete n'ont pas besoin de beaucoup de soins. C'est comme cela que ca me plait! Moin de travaille pour moi! Hier, en passant a coter, j'ai eu le bonheur de sentir leur fragrance pour la premiere fois, sans metre mon nez dedans! Je vais pouvoir les apprecier du printemps, jusqu'a la premiere gellee...
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