I was inspired to make one of these from this blog I like a lot.
I will, for now, put it on my computer screen.
Then print it out and place it where I will see it often.
Like the potty room or the kitchen.
I made my own 21 keep joy and happiness inducers.
To use not all at once, but as needed...
For when the 'D' words start to take over, like:
Doubt, discouragement, discord, downhearted, discontent, disillusioned,
distrust, disgusted, depressed...
These are tried, lived and tested. They usually work for me.
They bring me joy and happiness.
(These are in no particular order.)
1. Rejoice and Live in the Now
Because that is all we have. The Now. Life is lived one moment at a time. Enjoy.
"Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering"
Fanny Crosby
2. I can do hard things
With Christ all things are possible.
Hard things increase growth, faith, strength & stretches our soul.
3. Create Beauty
Make your environment beautiful.
Creativity enlarges the soul and mind. Make Beauty all around you!
4. Delight and feast upon the word
Seek, dig, ponder upon the words of Christ. They lighten up the soul. Give direction. Comfort.
Give Peace and Understanding.
5. Exercise the heart
For longevity and well being. Find what you love. And do it. Move & stretch that body!
We only have one to carry us through our life journey.
6. Peace and harmony in the heart
Keep anger out of your life. When It comes, do not let it fester and linger. Forgive.
"For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness"
Ralf Aldo Emerson
7. Keep the Vision, This too shall pass.
Our life is but a moment. A Passing.
Everything will eventually pass, and change, and get better in the end.
'If it's not okay, it's not the end'
8. Look Up
Feel the love of God!
A bird's song. A lady bug. Warm rain drops. Spring scents. Taste of a fruit.
It's all a gift to make our life more beautiful and enjoyable.
14. Clean space = Clear mind
De clutter, it invites sanity & clarity of the mind. Think better.
When we clean out things that don't matter, we make room for what does.
"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" ~William Morris
15. Read
A good book. To expand the mind.
16. Stop and Kneel
When I forgot my morning prayer and it's 3pm.
When challenges arise and I need help from above.
When gifts & joys are noticed.
When prayers are answered.
Thank and Praise.
17. Keep a tender Heart
Soft. Loving. Forgiving. Full of the love of God.
Do not chase the spirit away...
18. Plan my work. Work my plan.
Monday Downton Abbey day. Wed Laundry day. Friday Date with my Man day.
Having a plan helps me not to get lost and get things done.
Whether it is work or pleasure.
Schedule it. It's more likely it will happen.
19. Joyful Music. Soundtrack your work.
Fill your home with good music. Especially on rainy dreary days.
It lifts and encourages to work on that chore you can't get around to do.
It helps me focus on the task at hand. And who can't use more focus?
If I'm on the net being distracted from what I really need to get done,
I put on my-clean-the-house-playlist and oh, miracle of all miracles,
I get up and do it!
20. Breath Deep. Slow down.
Enjoy the moment, the season you are in.
When things get too fast, too overwhelming.
Breath Deep and Stay Calm.
Life is not a race, but a journey needing to be enjoyed.
21. I am Enough because He is enough.
In Christ, I am Complete.
Remember that! No matter how much I lack, He is all and everything.
He will complete me and make me whole and enough.
Creativity enlarges the soul and mind. Make Beauty all around you!
4. Delight and feast upon the word
Seek, dig, ponder upon the words of Christ. They lighten up the soul. Give direction. Comfort.
Give Peace and Understanding.
5. Exercise the heart
For longevity and well being. Find what you love. And do it. Move & stretch that body!
We only have one to carry us through our life journey.
6. Peace and harmony in the heart
Keep anger out of your life. When It comes, do not let it fester and linger. Forgive.
"For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness"
Ralf Aldo Emerson
7. Keep the Vision, This too shall pass.
Our life is but a moment. A Passing.
Everything will eventually pass, and change, and get better in the end.
'If it's not okay, it's not the end'
8. Look Up
Every day, look up towards heaven. Look at the clouds, the stars, the vast expanse...
How small am I? Insignificant. Yet, I am noticed and loved beyond measure. Feel the love of God!
9. Serve Someone
Nothing is quite like making someone smile, lifting an other's heart, giving a helping hand.
One cannot serve & love without feeling joy and increase happiness.
Find one in need every day. No matter how small or big the act of love is.
10. Rest
Rest your heart in the stillness of God
"Our hearts are restless until they rest in You."
"Our hearts are restless until they rest in You."
A well rested body, makes for a clearer thinking head.
Less grumpiness and impatience with those we love the most.
Sleep. Relax.
11. I am in charge of how I feel. Today I choose Happiness.
I have the power to choose how I feel. Things don't go my way?
Rain. Clouds. Evil hearts. Wars. Unrest. Disasters.
Others may taunt, tease, disappoint, hurt, ignore...
I control my feelings! They do not control me.
12. Count Gifts. Notice Tender Mercies
In All things give Thanks.
Gratitude turns everything we have into enough.
13. Listen. Smell. See. The World.
I believe there is beauty in Mother Nature everywhere. Look for it with all senses. Everyday.A bird's song. A lady bug. Warm rain drops. Spring scents. Taste of a fruit.
It's all a gift to make our life more beautiful and enjoyable.
14. Clean space = Clear mind
De clutter, it invites sanity & clarity of the mind. Think better.
When we clean out things that don't matter, we make room for what does.
"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" ~William Morris
15. Read
A good book. To expand the mind.
16. Stop and Kneel
When I forgot my morning prayer and it's 3pm.
When challenges arise and I need help from above.
When gifts & joys are noticed.
When prayers are answered.
Thank and Praise.
17. Keep a tender Heart
Soft. Loving. Forgiving. Full of the love of God.
Do not chase the spirit away...
18. Plan my work. Work my plan.
Monday Downton Abbey day. Wed Laundry day. Friday Date with my Man day.
Having a plan helps me not to get lost and get things done.
Whether it is work or pleasure.
Schedule it. It's more likely it will happen.
19. Joyful Music. Soundtrack your work.
Fill your home with good music. Especially on rainy dreary days.
It lifts and encourages to work on that chore you can't get around to do.
It helps me focus on the task at hand. And who can't use more focus?
If I'm on the net being distracted from what I really need to get done,
I put on my-clean-the-house-playlist and oh, miracle of all miracles,
I get up and do it!
20. Breath Deep. Slow down.
Enjoy the moment, the season you are in.
When things get too fast, too overwhelming.
Breath Deep and Stay Calm.
Life is not a race, but a journey needing to be enjoyed.
21. I am Enough because He is enough.
In Christ, I am Complete.
Remember that! No matter how much I lack, He is all and everything.
He will complete me and make me whole and enough.
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