Feb 4, 2013

The last five days...

It's not fun, not feeling good.
It just hit me last Wednesday night.
My head was suddenly congested.
No warning!
The only problelm, is I'm not sure if it's alergies or a cold?
So, I've been popping meds and vitamines.
And I've been taking it easy by necessity...
I must have watched 20 episodes of Parenthood!
Actually Mike and I watched 6 in a row for our date night Saturday night!
I've missed one day of Zumba! 
I made my Happiness Manifesto. 
And worked on some photos...

Saturday, I did feel better for a bit, and went with Mike and Amelie downtown the Woodlands.
It was such a beautiful day! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE the Texas Winters?
Amelie had something going on there. (More on that later. Maybe)

I took lots of pictures, I will post them in the next few days...


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