Feb 10, 2013

Sunday Afternoon & My Handy Dandy Manly Man

Yesterday, Mike tried to fix the Family room Ceiling fan lights.
He spent like ALL eavening on it.
Called Electrician buddy for 3 hours. Researched online. 
Spent $150 in those manly stores he went to twice. 
And fixed... hummm... Nothing.

Today, after a delicious Sunday dinner:
Oven Roasted lemon and french herb Chicken
Green beans and garlic/parsley/butter sauteed  mushrooms.
Baked yams. Rice and corn.
Mike got back on the Internet to try to figure it out, and is now sleeping loudly next to me.
Amelie is playing some girly dress-up games on my computer.
Emric is asking me for some french homework help.
And being your typical hide-my-face-teen when I take a picture.
Chloe is zonked out at our feet...
And I am blogging like I did almost all day yesterday on my bed!
My tooshie is getting sore...
I think I have done too much blogging this week-end.
When the sun is not out I tend to stay in more...
We really should have cleaned up our very neglected back yard yesterday!
(It's a good thing it's sunny most of the time here, less winter blues...)

Emric before a Church Valentine Dance Last night.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

the part about Mike made me laugh. reminds me of Jason. :) it's amusing, frustrating, and endearing all at the same time.

and it's tooschie. :D

and Emric! don't be shy of the camera! you've got clear skin, no wrinkles, and it's the only time in your life you'll be this young!!! own it! :)