Feb 4, 2013

Taste Buds and Picky Eaters!

We got a little snack to validate our Parking Ticket.
Amelie devoured those spicy wings! 

She has always been able to eat spicy stuff since she was a baby!
She would eat lemons without making faces!
I even thought she had no tasted buds cause she ate almost everything!
With the other 3 kids, I was not used to that! Especially with Emric the most picky of them all!
So, when she was around 2 or 3, I gave her a spoonful of salt telling her it was sugar.
Boy did she pull a face!!!! 
Kinda like the face she is pulling in the middle picture of the first collage below!
The test was conclusive: She had taste buds. And I, a happy Mom!
What a pleasure it was for one of my kids to eat such an abundant variety of foods!
It was a mother's dream...

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