Feb 11, 2013

CiRCLES iN February

I love circles, spots, polka dots & swirls.
You could say I am a circle lover.
I like stripes too, but round things tend to dominate in my life.

To me circles have a sense of infinity, continuity, wholeness, happiness and eternity.
They go on and on.... And are everywhere...
C i R C L E S  i N  M Y  W O R L D
C i R C L E S  A L L  A R O U N D

Can you tell it's February, and there is not much going on in my life?
Other than the day to day stuff...
I'm liking this month more and more.
I didn't use to.
I've always found it rather depressing.
But now I've decided I like February.
It's going to be the month I don't do much.
The month I recuperate from all the really busy ones!
The month I give myself permission to relax and not be always so darn productive.
The month that when it is gray and rainy, I cuddle up in bed and do mindless and enjoyable stuff.
Let's see, it's the 11th, I've done a pretty good job so far!

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