Jan 16, 2013

"I have some very bad news"

Tonight, as my Man walked through our bedroom door after 
Chloe greeted him with her usual exited yelps and wines, 
and a few lickings on his face, 
Mike announced:
"I have some very bad news"
I brace myself for:
'I lost my job' kinda bad news.
But no, thankgoodness, this is what he said:
"I talked to a lot of people tonight, 
and those Marrons glaces were donated a few days ago to a church.
They were a Christmas special, were discounted and then donated!"
I'm a few days too late! 
He would have bought them all too, that's Mike, you know!
Zut alors!
Darn it!

Rewind about an hour before
I had texted him
"I'm really craving those Chestnuts Glaces from H&H" 

Mike is too sweet, he went out of his way tonight to stop by H&H to try and get them for me...
Now, that is a good caring Hubby for you, well for me, really!

Thank you lover... You still get the credit! :)

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