Jun 15, 2012


I came back from camp for 24 hours to be home for Mike's knee surgery.
Everything went well.
Unfortunately the Surgeon found some arthritis in his knee! :(
If you think Mike asks a lot of questions when lucid,  
it is nothing compared to when he's had some happy drugs!

Je suis revenue du camps pour 24 heures afin d'etre a la maison pour l'operation du genou de Mike.
Tout c'est bien passer.
Malheureusement il a trouve de l' arthrite dans son genoux :(

Si vous penser que Mike damande beaucoup de questions quand il est lucide, 
c'est rien comparer a quand il a des 'happy' medicaments!

1 comment:

AlmstHvn said...

Oh my. I can't even begin to imagine Mikey on happy drugs! Sorry to hear he's needed surgery - praying for quick and thorough healing!