Jun 12, 2012

Storm and Crazy Mom!

At 4pm a sudden storm came thru Houston.
High winds, (bent one of our trees)
Very heavy rain

I personally love storms!
I have taught my kids not to be scared of them either.

How, you might ask?

Well, when they were little and a storm was coming on,
I would grab a light blanket and the kids and we would run around the back yard
making it fly in the wind, shouting and laughing!
The neighbors probably thought I was a very Crazy mom!
I remember Alexi and Justine looking at me like I was a little nuts at first, 
but then would happily join in seeing me having so much fun!
We would get under the porch as soon as it would start dumping rain. 
Then move inside and watch from the comfort and protection of our home.
It quickly became a tradition! 
Now none of them are scared!
One thing I did that actually paid of! :)

And there is the Crazy Oncle Laurent that showers in pouring rain!
See here

Amelie's little girl friend Maddy was so scared, she freaked out!
We tried to calm her down, we called her mom too. 
She finally calmed down when she knew her mom was on her way and Amelie got a game out: Headbands and started playing it with me to distract her. 
She gave in the fun, joined us in the game and forgot about the storm.
When her mom picked her up, she was totally fine.

 Her mom told me when she picked her up 1 hours later that during Hurricane Ike,
A tree had fallen on Maddy's bedroom!
No wonder she was so scared!!!
That also explained why she did not want to go upstairs.
Poor thing!
That big tarp on our porch was covering a little tent Amelie was playing in. 
It was her club house.

Club Name: 
"Girls just want to have fun"

Club Rules: 
Be nice
Share everything
If you make a mess clean it up!

Oh Boy! Do I LOOOOOVE those rules!!!!!
Can we all be part of your club Amelie????
I want them to be lived by everyone, everywhere and at all times!!!!

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