So! My week has been pretty fun! On Monday, Sister Moore and I and our Sister Training leaders, Sister Lawrence and Sister Bagley went to the mall and that was lots of fun! We also went to a pizza place that was a hole in the wall and it was probably the best pizza place I have ever been to. It was so good!
Tuesday we had Zone Training and Sister Moore and I were asked to give the instruction! That morning Our Mission mom shows up to study with us! It was so neat! She helped us come up with a great idea on our instruction to "teach to the needs of our investigators." So she came up with this analogy of riding a bike, when you ride a bike and know how to use it and are comfortable with it, you can have fun, overcome obstacles, be efficient. Verses when you don't know how, you struggle. And the same goes for when you are teaching, when you know what you are teaching you can adapt to the needs of those you teach so much more efficiently! So Sister Moore and I start our instruction by coming into the gym (the place the meeting was) riding our bikes! Me riding it well, knowing what I am doing, being awesome. And sister Moore struggling! I end up making it all the way around the room before she even gets half way. It was a fun instruction! and great object lesson!
President Richards also added to that and what he was able to pick up is how we lacked in Unity. It played perfectly into his little impromptu lesson about how we need to work together with our companion and not leave the other one in the dust!
Wednesday, we had New Missionary Training! I got to go see my whole MTC district! It was so awesome! I love those guys so so much. It was fun seeing them again and getting some great instruction from President Richards, his wife and his assistants!
So people kept telling me that I am going to get SO MUCH crab here and that its so good and top notch and all that. Well I have not yet haha probably because its expensive and members don't take missionaries out to nice crab dinners! Sister Moore has been here since July or so and hasn't had crab yet.
Speaking of sister Moore, she doesn't eat sugar! So every time we are at a members for dinner (so every night) She passes on desert and I can usually take desert for the two of us! Haha man, I haven't really checked if I have gained weight or not but I am pretty sure that I do weight more than I was when I came out here! Which doesn't have to be a bad thing! I am exercising every morning! This week I was able to (on an elliptical) run 2 miles in 20 minutes, I don't think I have EVER been able to do that in my life! So even though I am eating more I am hoping to be able to exercise and bike off anything I may weigh.
Oh! There was one family this week that served eggrolls and asian noodles and it was SO GOOD!
She also had the most amazing and incredible desert: sugar cookie dough baked in a pan. Cooled.
Topped with cream cheese mixed with white chocolate and strawberries!
They sent us home with so much food and too much desert.
Oh! There was one family this week that served eggrolls and asian noodles and it was SO GOOD!
She also had the most amazing and incredible desert: sugar cookie dough baked in a pan. Cooled.
Topped with cream cheese mixed with white chocolate and strawberries!
They sent us home with so much food and too much desert.
But that desert made me the happiest person ever. It really did.
We are still working a lot with Less active members and a good number of them came to church this week! So that was awesome. We currently have 2 investigators and a good number of potentials. I still just think everyone is awesome and they just need to accept it and get baptized and go to the temple! But its not that simple most of the time!
One of our investigators, Stephanie, keeps having medical issues and is trying to meet with us and hopefully go with us to the Temple Visitors center. So she isn't progressing at the moment but hopefully she will soon. Her health has been a struggle.
Our other investigator, Sarah, is 85 and the sweetest old lady! She is Pentecostal (I think) and says she speaks in tongues. She always has good stories and she knows the Holy spirit so well. She struggles with Joseph Smith because "he isn't in the bible"...So its been hard helping her get through the whole restoration lesson. She can't read the BOM so we are working on getting her a large print so she can read it and feel its truth! Oh! And she told us stories about how when she was young (like 8 or something) she would go out to the woods and kill every snake she could! And she would keep track of it. She said in one week she killed 76 snakes! She said she killed the snakes because it was a serpent that tempted Adam and even in the garden! haha! She is awesome!
Being out here I have met so many people that have had so many struggles and even if they don't have the LDS faith they still have such strong faith in God and he has helped them so much through life! Its amazing!
I love you all!
Sister Nakata
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Odenton 3/23/15 |
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