Mar 2, 2015

Week 3 Making It Up The Hills - God Loves Me!


SO I am so happy to be out in the field! this is pretty awesome! I was assigned to the Odenton area which just 20 minutes or so away from Baltimore, so I thought that was pretty cool! My Trainer is an awesome sister named Sister Moore! However! This is a different Sister Moore from the one that I know from the Woodlands! How funny right?

Sister Moore is great and this area is great! Sister Moore is fun and prays for hours. Thats not a too far off exaggeration too. She really will pray for a good amount of time! like 10 minutes is a short night prayer for her. She is fun and super encouraging. She says things like "all that jazz" "rad" and "holy geronumo." She is ALWAYS so happy and thankful! and enthusiastic! its crazy! 

One of the Elders from my District at the MTC, Elder Coumbs, is serving in the same ward as me! so that is pretty neat! My ward is pretty great! there are a lot of young couples with young kids and old couples with grown kids.Not very many teenagers, but still there are some! It is hard to try and remember all the people sister Moore tells me about! I feel like I almost never know who she is talking about until I finally meet the person. 

A lot of our appointments fell through so that was interesting and it was hard because most of our back up plans were just knocking on peoples houses unexpectedly and them usually not being home.

So I get to have a car every two days. We take turns having the car with the Elders in our area so thats nice. The other days we bike (or walk). My first day on bikes it was freezing! and there are so many hills! Half the time I would stop part way up the hill and shout to Sister Moore "I am going to walk the rest of the way!" The two pictures I attached were taken just after one of the hills I actually rocked it and made it all the way up. but I was exhausted and walked for a little bit while at the same time leaning on my handle bars so the bike could support me. Sister Moore thought it was the funniest thing and took a picture! I decided that since I made it through that first day on a bike and was still alive, God loves me!


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