Apr 20, 2013

Yeah! A favorite Visitor is Here!

I can't tell you how good it was to have my friend Sarah walking with me this morning in the forest!
To have her in person and not on the phone... 

She arrived during the night at 2 am. 
Poor thing was stuck in Charlotte because of very bad weather, like tornado-warnings-bad-weather!

Anyhow she made it to our house and we are thrilled!

Of course our back yard was delighted too!
This is her first day and what does she do?
Get to work!
Have I mentioned how much I like my friends! :)

Under her care and Emric's help, it is starting to look very nice, 
We were neglecting it a bit these past few weeks...

(It's her in red weeding)

This is moi, putting my feet up.
 After making a delicious salad. 
Lots of yummy stuff  and love were put in it!
Homemade dressing, tomatoes, tuna, (Choruzo sausage for mike) pine nuts, cubed cheese, blue,
 broccoli, red cabbage, cucumber, 
small crispy pan fried potatoes cooked in coconut oil, 
We ate it with a side of toasted Cibratta bread and a 
Champagne infused olive oil with Balsamic Pear vinegar!!!! 
A nectar from strait from Heaven!

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