Apr 7, 2011

The Perfect date. Not!

So Justine had a date with a nice kid from our ward named Alex.
It was her first date here in Houston.
It ended up being a double date at the last minute,
with her parents and her annoying little sister, and yes,
she was very annoying, like "you-can't-kiss-my-big-sister"annoying!
Oh, and on the ride home, since the annoying little sister fell asleep,
he got to hear funny stories about Justine
 from Mike and I.
What a date from h-e-double hockey sticks!!

Glenn Beck's comedy show was good though. 
I must admit at one point I was laugh so hard I was crying!

PS: It must have not been that bad of a date cause he has asked her out many times since.
I guess he kinda likes her...

Justine est sortie avec un jeune homme de notre paroisse; Alex
C'etait son premier "date" ici a Houston.
Cela a fini par etre un date avec ses parents et sa petite soeur bien enervante!
 Elle etait terrible surtout dans la voiture! Comme: tu-peux-pas-embrasser-ma-soeur, enervante!
Oh et au retour comme Amelie s'est endormie, 
on lui a racconte des histoirs de Justine rigolote.
Un "date" d'enfer quoi!
Le show comique etait rigolo! J'en ai pleurer de rire!

PS: Cela n'a pas du etre trop horrible car il est resortie avec elle souvent... 
Je croix qu'il l'aime bien!

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