Apr 4, 2011

A Pain in the Derrière

In the morning Mike and I took Chloe on her daily walk in the forest.
She met an Australian Shepherd to play and run with. 
When suddenly it knocked me of my feet as they were running right between Mike and I. 
I hit the ground so hard, it knocked the wind out of me!
It took me a least 20mn to get back up. Mike was with me, thank goodness! 
He was trying to get me up and I kept feeling faint.
Only after I drank a whole bottle of water (some good Samaritan gave us) 
was I able to get up, stay up and walk home.
Unfortunately, I did get a nasty bruise in my derrière area.
But lucky for me no broken tail bone, I think!
But it sure has left me with a big pain in the behind!
Had to put my yoga and running routine on hold for a while. :(

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