After having this darling Puppy for a few days, I really feel like calling her Zoe.
I find it is easier for me to pronounce and it flows better for a dog.
So I think that her name on her official papers is going to be Lady Chloe Zoe de La BelleCourt.
Some will still call her Chloe, and some Zoe...
How lucky is that? 2 names!
To tell you the truth, they are so close in sound, she won't even notice a difference,
then again, she might develop a dual personality disorder?
My guess though is that one name will prevail!
Want to guess which?
I find it is easier for me to pronounce and it flows better for a dog.
So I think that her name on her official papers is going to be Lady Chloe Zoe de La BelleCourt.
Some will still call her Chloe, and some Zoe...
How lucky is that? 2 names!
To tell you the truth, they are so close in sound, she won't even notice a difference,
then again, she might develop a dual personality disorder?
My guess though is that one name will prevail!
Want to guess which?
Apres quelques jours avec cette petite chienne, j'ai vraiement envie de l'appeler Zoe.
Je trouve que c'est plus facile a prononcer pour un chien et cela lui va mieux.
Donc je pense que sur ses papiers officiel, cela va etre Lady Chloe Zoe de la BelleCourt.
Il y en aura qui vont l'apeler Chloe, et d'autre Zoe...
Elle aura 2 noms!
En fait, ces noms sont si proche,
elle ne va pas faire la difference ou elle va developer un problem de double personalite?
Je pense qu'un des 2 va prevaloir.
Vous devinez lequel?
Je trouve que c'est plus facile a prononcer pour un chien et cela lui va mieux.
Donc je pense que sur ses papiers officiel, cela va etre Lady Chloe Zoe de la BelleCourt.
Il y en aura qui vont l'apeler Chloe, et d'autre Zoe...
Elle aura 2 noms!
En fait, ces noms sont si proche,
elle ne va pas faire la difference ou elle va developer un problem de double personalite?
Je pense qu'un des 2 va prevaloir.
Vous devinez lequel?
Cute dog!!! I agree, Chloe is a little harder to say for us frenchies; I know because one of the cat's name we're sitting is Chloe. But she is black and white like your dog and the VERY few times I said her name wrong, I called her Zoe! Ever way, you'd get use to it! But I do think she should have one name or it will be confusing, not to the dog, maybe, but to us humans! (you know, neighbors, friends, relatives...) You'll have to tell her name and story behind it all the time! That would drive me crazy after a while... Kind of like why I have 2 color cabinets in my kitchen? I don't think people really care to know...
Well, cute doggie, wheither she's Chloe or Zoe!
PS: Chloe is an adorable cat, nice personality, I'll send you a picture.
Zoé est plus facile à prononcer, mais en tout cas, Elle est vraiment trop mignonne votre petite chienne !!!
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