May 4, 2015

Week 12 "HEAR YE ! HEAR YE !"

Email from Justine today:

"Being on a mission I have realized the value of so many different things! 
Especially I have learned the value of waking up early
and studying the scriptures and about True to the faith!
I had no clue what that was until the MTC! 

And I keep thinking
But you probably did and it never registered! 
But now I can see how much more awesome all this stuff is and how being on a mission has really taught me these things!"

I love you all! Skype you Sunday! :D I get 60 minutes of Skype time!!

Sister Nakata


Oh Boy!
I'm so Glad she wrote:
But you probably did and it never registered!
This is a very important key phrase for my sanity!
Without it I would be pulling my hair out and/or asking myself what on earth have I done these past 20 years with my kids?

We've tried teaching those things - To a Nagging level!!!!
Especially the getting out of bed one!
And healthy eating, and drinking water, and exercising, and being productive,
and not waisting your time,
and reading your scriptures, and going to church every week, and
keeping the commandments, and so forth...
"All Good Habits to Have"
"It's good for you!"
I've told them & still do.

And Yes
 I know
 We didn't do it all perfectly - far from it.
 We've slacked, been lazy, indulged and missed and failed quite a bit to say the least!
But we have tried!

Isn't it lovely when our little birdies fly out of the nest 
and realize Mom and Dad did have a few good points!

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