May 22, 2015

Prom # 2 For Our Gentleman

Emric invited his sweet friend Rebekah from another ward in our Stake, to her High School Prom.

He was the only Guy in the party of 10 girls that went together.
I did not bother him on bit! :)

These are Rebekah's mom words:

"Rebekah did have a wonderful time that night. 
Overall, it was an enjoyable evening.
Emric was such a gentleman and Bekah truly appreciated that. 
It meant so much.
She felt like a princess because she was asked to Prom and was treated like royalty. "

As a mom, those words are music to my ears! hihi

Emric is a Gentleman and Bekah looked and totally had a princess demeanor... 
What a lovely girl!

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