One the 4th Of July Week-end, Mike had a couple of days off.
We needed to pick up Emric and his friend in San Antonio from his first
EFY 'Especially For Youth' Conference.
So we decided to take the girls to Sea World.
After a hard week at work, Mike can't keep awake trying to do work during our
dinner at Panera Bread...
We bought 4 passes to Sea World.
Mike, Justine, Amelie and I spent Thursday and Friday there having a lot of Fun.
Chloe waited for us in the free-ventilated-clean-shaded-kennels provided by the Park.
We spent a lot of time in the water park riding the rides.
We also saw a couple of shows.
The place was very crowded.
We decided to go back when the weather is not so hot to do all the shows.
We saw the Shamu show 'One Ocean' and 'Azul'.
Both Excellent!
While eating lunch at a restaurant on our way home on Saturday,
we tied Chloe to a tree right where we could see her.
The server gave her a bowl of water.
We put a blanket out and the kids relaxed with her after eating their meal.
The restaurant owner, after asking for permission,
took pictures of the kids so she could put them on their website to show
that it was a relaxing and family friendly place to be - just like home...
Chloe and the kids are somewhere famous on a little Texan village website! :)

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