So this week I found out that they are taking away my Trainer and sending her to West Virginia! I am going to get a new trainer Wednesday and staying in the Odenton ward! Her name is Sister Jeppson but I have no clue who she is! Its crazy that I am being left in this place that I do not know all the way and where all the people know Sister Moore and not me. But I know the Lord is smart and has a reason! I am excited to have the experience of being with someone else! I am also excited to no longer be a "greenie" and not know what I am doing!
This past weekend was pretty cool! I loved conference! My favorite talks were definitely in the Sunday sessions! (aside from Eyring in Woman's conference and the one Saturday that talked about the steps to the dance and hearing the music).
I loved the parodical son talk. And Uchtdorf. When he tells us that we obey His commandments because we love the Lord. And I have a bunch of other things that I loved too.
Everyone should study the Gospel "Everyday, everyday, everyday"
Easter Sunday was great too! We went over to a great young couple's house! They had set up an easter egg hunt in their living room and it was the best! I hope to do that for missionaries one day! We ate awesome breakfast burritos too! I had lunch at the church building with a potluck with 2 or 3 families so that was awesome too. My easter dinner was a bunch of random things in a pour missionaries apartment! haha.
Okay so quick fun story. We went to a less actives house, asked for referrals. she gave us two neighbors. We went to one and a young father answered shirtless and had a cool conversation with us (but he thinks religion is silly) We asked that man for a referral and he told us to go to his other neighbor and said the police were over there and they need god. So we go and on the way try to talk to a woman who was on the street, it went no where. We knock on the police door and found out that he literally meant "the police were just there!" Super awkward! haha Then we got to the second house the Less active gave us and it was the lady we tried to talk to on the street! So awkward! We left that area just laughing at how weird the whole thing was. It was great.
My whole transfer Sister Moore and I hadn't gotten any new investigators (there actually might have been one) and then this past week we got 7! It was pretty cool. The first two are an awesome couple who are in their 50's! Another is a single African american mother to 4 kids. Another is the wife of a man who has been inactive for 20+ years and they reached out to the church asking for missionaries to teach them! They fed us dinner and that was really awesome! The 3 others are all in one house hold but only one really lives there. Since we do not go "house to house" knocking we inspired knocked on this man's house. His name is Bill and he is really great and has a big heart and loves reading. He was reading, as he calls it, an even handed book on the Mormon people. And we left him with the best book to read, the Book of Mormon! His friend, Angie is always over so we are counting her as an investigator too. His son's friend, Tyler was over and had a lot of questions but he won't be at the next appt but Tyler's Girlfriend, Brittany said she would be! She is 19 and sweet!
I hope all of these guys are able to really soak in the gospel and I always say this "just get baptized!" but I know its harder than just that!
Thats all for this week!
Sister nakata!
Oh and I jumped on a trampoline today, I will try to send pictures later! my thing is being funny right now!
Love you all!
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