Since we got some passes for Sea world this past summer, we had decided to come back and do the shows during the less busy season.
I thought that Thanksgiving day would be just the perfect day!
All Americans are otherwise engaged.
Men are lounging around watching football.
Women are slaving in the kitchen cooking the traditional Turkey meal.
They then eat until their stomachs almost explode.
They must eat for 2 days so crazy people can then go freeze to death at some ungodly hours of the night or early morning to get a once in a life time deal during Black Friday that has gotten so ridiculous!
Mike was doubting me!
But once again, the wife was right!
No lines, no where.
Front row seats to every show.
All you can ride attractions with 0 to 5mn wait time!
And again the Perfect weather!
So we left Thursday morning around 8:30 and got there around noon And stayed until 6-7pm.

The Roller coaster Amelie went on and on and on and on while I was waiting for her!
I kept looking for her to come out with the other people.
But she never did!
I knew she was on it, only because I could see her picture come up in the picture booth display.
Her, sitting in different carts, and pulling different faces!
What a little Turkey!
I finally had to go get her right as she came off the train...
(picture below)
It was getting darker, colder and Mike was waiting for us in the car
because he got tired and needed to rest.
Azul the Beluga and dolphin Show.
PS: I have since watch a documentary on sea World and the treatment of the killer whales
and will not be going to Sea World again.
These gentile giants are not supposed to live in captivity...
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