Sep 4, 2012

Saying Good Bye...

My dates are more accurate now! Yeah! 
I still have a few post before I am really up to date!


Today Justine is taking off for Hawaii!
I will for sure miss my girl.
But I am so excited for her, and I must admit, a tad jealous!

I do love watching my kids spread their wings and enjoy what life has to offer!
Life changes. 
Babies and little girls grow up and become women... 
What a privilege it is as a mother, to be part of another's life like that!
I feel blessed to have been part of her life, and hopefully I have been a good mother to her.
Sure, I won't be as involved in her life as in the past 18 years, and that's ok.
It will take a little adjusting too though...

Regardless, she will always be my girl for the rest of her life and beyond! 
I'm exited for her next chapter...

Justine, you are a great 'Little' person with a great 'Big' heart!
You have the world at your feet... Well right now: Hawaii! 
You lucky thing!

We LoVe yOu!

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