Tonight, as I was walking Chloe just around the corner from our house, I was talking to Mike on the phone, when, suddenly I got attacked by a bird!!! (looked a little like the one in picture). It dove-bombed 4 times on me, each time hitting my back! I hurried out of what I thought was the area it was trying to protect. My guess is, it was seeing me as a threat to it's nest? Or wanted my hair for nest material? Come to think of it it was pretty agressif, yelling and angry!
Mike wants to go walk by there to see if it will attack again...
I'll be sure to keep my distances and maybe get a shot of the bird!
I must say I have never been attacked by a bird like that before!
It was freaky!
Ce soir, pendant ma promenade avec Chloe, tout pres de chez nous, Je parlais au telephone avec Mike, quand un oiseau comme celi-ci m'a attaquer 4 fois! Je me suis depecher a sortir du territoire dont je pensais qu'il protegeait. Je suis sure qu'il me voyait come menace pour son nid? Ou voulait quelques cheveux pour materiel de nid? Mais en y pensant il etait pas contant!
Mike veux y marcher demain pour voir s'il attackera encore. Moi, je garderais ma distance en essayant de prendre une photo.
C'etait trop bizare! C'est la 1ere fois que je suis attaque par un oiseau!
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