Jun 13, 2016

Week 67 - Odenton

Hey everyone!!

This week I made it back, full circle, to Odenton! The place of my mission birth! It is incredible and a little shocking all the people that remember me!

There was a baptism this weekend!! A 19 year old, Amethyst! The sisters started teaching her a little while back and I happened to come in the weekend she entered into the covenant of baptism! Thursday we watched the movie "Meet the Mormons" with her and at the Wolfley's! It was a great idea for her because her mom had put it in her mind that "God is not mormon" and that some how mormons are "different" well after watching the movie you can know that we are just like any other Christ loving people! And it definitely helped her :)

I have been able to see Theresa a lot! She is different though, she hasnt embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ quite yet. She knows its good, and wants to, but she hasnt. And We are going to be there for her to help her find and do the things necessary to change. And I am ready to do that! Well ready with the Lord by my side!

I sent some pictures from my past companion and the elders serving in my ward in Broadneck! We had a quick picture moment at the gas station for memory sake!

I am so so grateful the Lord is in charge and I know I am where I need to be. I know the Lord has a better plan for me and as we follow it we will be happier than any of us could imagine!

Love you, make it a great week! I invite you all to do something to become closer to your Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sister Nakata

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