Oct 5, 2014

Grateful For Conference

This is my little set up Sunday for watching to the 4hs of General Conference.
Every 6 months I look forward to it!

Today, the weather was perfect.
The talks inspiring.

The only thing missing was my hubby who had to work all week-end!
We did watch the Saturday morning session together in a hotel he got down town.
He had to be at a site for work during the night.
So I joined him at work, we had dinner together and breakfast.
It's the only way I got to see him a bit this past week!
This month is very busy for him.
I complain a bit but I am so grateful he still has this job!
Going on 5 years now when he got contracted for 2.

But I do miss him...

"Love is the catalyst that causes change. 

Love is the balm that brings healing to the soul." 

Thomas S. Monson

"We can have 
F A I T H 
He is 
P E R F E C T L Y 

Elder Uchtdorf

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