Sep 12, 2013

Keeper Friends

My friend Sarah is here now!
It almost feels surreal...

She is one of "those friends"
You know, the real "keeper" kind.

A friend who gets you.
A friend who accepts you.
A friend who knows you for a very long time.
A friend you can be silent with and it's not awkward.
A friend who, at times -many times- has been a God-sent-Angel.
A friend who, when reunited with after a long time, we just pick up where we left off.
A friend who knows what you are thinking, who can read you like an open book.
A friend who you can totally be yourself with, like silly and crazy.
A friend who doesn't mind doing your dirty work.
A friend who encourages & lifts when down.
A friend who puts you back in line.
A friend who forgives. 

Those type of friends are priceless.
They can be counted on one hand.

You only have a very few in your  lifetime, but they are worth so much!

I love the ones I have - the few I can count on my one hand.
I hope you know who you are...

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