Aug 11, 2013

Traveling Home, Goodbye & Bathroom Remodeling

As all good things come must come to an end, we took the road home back to Houston.
We did stop a couple time to eat.

I got to catch Jean-Claude with his die hard "Boulette"

La famille, et amis proche, connaissent bien cette boulette!

La voici donc documentee pour la posterite!

A cute Restaurant in the middle of the Texas Hill Country.
I love that area of Texas!

The next day, Jean Claude & Nathalie's visit also came to an end.
They returned home to France.

We really loved having them share these 2 weeks with our family.
Even if I've been in the US for over 23 years, I still miss my family in France.

I love when I can spend some time with them.
And have my kids and hubby get to know them more...

On a side note;
I did get my half bathroom remodeled by JC! 
The wall-paper was removed and a fresh coat of lovely grayish/blue paint makes it more peaceful,
 to me anyway.
Whenever any males in my family visit, I get stuff done around the house! 
Love it!
They are quite handy that way!

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