Jun 9, 2009

Mother's Day in New York

This year, Mike went to New York during mother's day week end. He took me along. It was a lot of Fun! Mike worked a lot, and I did a lot of walking and discovering Manhattan, Time square, etc... Our hotel was in the middle of time square! I spent a lot of time in Central park! Love it! I was able to see Phantom of the Opera and The New York ballet! Both were awesome! I am posting a lot of the pictures I took there on my "One photo a day Blog". When I got home my legs hurt from all the walking! The first time I went to New York, I wasn't too impressed, but this time I really learned to love New York!

Cette annee pour la fete des mere, Mike est alle a New York City pour son travaille. Il m'a donc enmene avec lui. C'etait super! Mike a beaucoup travaille, j'en ai profite pour aller a la decouverte de New York, Manhattan, Time square, etc... J'ai passer beaucoup de temps a Central Park: J'adore! J'ai pu voir Le Phantom de l'Opera, et Le ballet de New York; c'etait merveilleux! Je suis en train de metre pas mal de photos de mes aventures sur mon "one photo a day" blog. Quand je suis rentree, j'avais bien mal aux jambres! La premiere fois que je suis allee a New York, c'etait Ok, mais cette fois ci, j'ai vraiment apprecier, j'adore New York!
No pictures were aloud, I did manage to take just a few shots at the ballet;
without looking into the viewfinder...

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