May 25, 2010

Senior Prom

The first and only Prom dance Alexi has attended during his high school years. Heavena and Lex were so cute all matching and in black, of course... They started by taking a few pics, dinner at O'Charley, dance at the Sharonville Convention Center, and After Prom at their high school until 3:30am.
La premiere et seul "Prom" que Alexi a participe pendant ses annes de Lycee. Heavena et Lexi etaient tres mimi tout assorti et en noir biensur! Ils ont commence leur soiree avec petite seance photos, repas a O'Charley, dance a Sharonville, et Apres Prom enferme dans leur lycee jusqu'a 3:30 du matin.

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