Last monday the Hermanas and Sister Noa and I all went to the aquarium and I uploaded pictures for you! We also took some stellar companion pictures in "Tag Aly." Baltimore is the best!
Here are a few of the fun ones! We bought the little pictures they always have you try and make! We got the tickets for free so we thought, "why not!" Sister Noa was the least excited to be there! Haha
Anyways! Moving on with my week! So the work as far as meeting with our investigators is going slow but we are hoping that is speeding up soon. Our investigator, Alexa, is ignoring us for the most part. she said she's "lying low" because she lives with her parents and they wouldn't be very happy about her looking into the LDS church. So yeah. She said we could meet with her tomorrow though! I let her borrow my GPS charger as a phone charger the night of the flood (it literally saved her!) and so we texted asking for it back. I love it when I get incentives like that to get investigators to stop ignoring us! Haha!

Our investigator Jen isn't doing super great. She is definitely in a pretty dark place and its hard to be a missionary and not reach out as much as I could if I wasn't. We hope to meet with her soon.
So this week I had a day where I was just a grump and a big mess. I was crying and blaming others for things and just not my fun usual self. I think I may have just been disappointed in myself and that I was disappointing the Lord because I havent found the success here that I have found at other places. So yeah just very sad that day. Well we came home for dinner that night and I checked the mail finding the letter from my mom. So this is for you mom. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. That letter was an amazing lift to my spirits. In it she spoke about our true identity as divine beings and how "often we are big messes" and how Christ can carry us through the times of loneliness, self-doubting and so much more. I knew the whole day that Christ could take this away and lift me but I was stubborn and disappointed in myself and felt I disappointed Him so I didn't let him help me yet. Then that letter put it back in perspective for me. That it is all okay. And I can keep going on. That I have a Savior that loves me and will lift me through all my trials. And I have never understood how he does it. I really don't. There is just an unexplainable hope that comes from knowing that someone who loves me has gone through my pains, joys, trials, sorrows, best days, worst days, all of it, and knows how to help me. That hope is amazing and different than any other kind of hope to be found in this world.
Thank you for the time you all take to read my emails and letting me share my testimony of the Savior with you.
I also love the Baltimore YSA! I get to stay another transfer and I get to stay with Sister Noa! Whoohoo! Thats a first where there isn't a change for me!
I love this Gospel! I hope you all have a good week!
Love ya!
Sister Nakata
Ps: Also I wanted to make a note from thoughts from an email last week or the week before: Sister Noa's family at one point felt that she should come home because she had so many trials and it had only been a month she had been out. But after She told them she is staying strong and staying on her mission when her brother got in a car accident the next week they told her and the 2 other sisters out on missions that they dont want them to come home just because he isn't doing well and her family is continuing to be a strong support to her :)
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